The population of the departments of Brittany Region according to census results and latest official estimates.
The 2019 figures are calculated by using vital statistics and an estimate of net migration.
Rennes Urban Area Population Projections. Rennes Moyenne des villes; Population (2017) 216 815 hab. Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, France (web).
2022 362,000 In 2019 2020, the population of the city of Rennes, France is - 209 860 people. Google Search for: Hotels - Restaurants - Shopping - Sights - Maps - Images, Wikipedia - Google: Satellite Map / Street Map - Open Street Map. The population of the departments of Brittany Region according to census results and …
Since 2006, France computes the population size from census results counted in different years. 1 945 hab. Il y a 222 060 habitants à Rennes en 2020, la population légale officielle de Rennes est cependant de 216 815 habitants car le dernier chiffre officiel date du 31/12/2016 (populations légales de 2017, 2018, 2019 identiques).Le nombre d'habitants pour 2020 est calculé à partir du taux d'évolution moyen annuel de 0.8% (2011-2016 source INSEE). Population de Rennes en 2020.
Cities and communes in the boundaries of January 2019. Find out what statistics the population of the country, city, district on Densité de population (2017) 4 303 hab/km²: 168 hab/km²: Nombre de ménages (2017)
2021 358,000.
The population of all cities and communes in Brittany Region with more than 20,000 inhabitants according to census results and latest official estimates. used data from the number of the population from official sources.