Uw teksten worden onmiddellijk na de vertaling verwijderd. Ihre Ãbersetzung wird in ${seconds} Sekunden fertig sein. Erweitern Sie Ihr Abonnementpaket, um die Anzahl der Dokumente zu erhöhen, die Sie übersetzen können. [38], When published, DeepL claims to have surpassed its competitors in blind tests, including Google Translate, Amazon Translate, Microsoft Translator and Facebook,[39][40][41][42][43][44][45] but independent measurements have not yet compared the services. Retrieved 28 January 2019. Try out the world’s best machine translation. Vertaal zoveel als u wilt, zonder beperking van het vertaalvolume of het aantal tekens per vertaling. Doesn't Provide Application for Mac OS, Android & iOS Devices. Wat vond u leuk aan de ervaring of hoe kunnen we die verbeteren?
[46] Specifically, 119 paragraphs of text from various fields were extracted and translated by each service, and then the translations were evaluated by expert translators outside the company. Furthermore, if you are translating a document, you can download the translation in the same file format as the original version. There are some press releases which claims that this translation service is more accurate as compared to Google Translate. Linguee. Simultaneously, without advertising or sponsored results, DeepL uses their HTTP cookies to re-identify users and associate them with pseudonymous user profiles.[28]. De momenteel ondersteunde talen zijn Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans, Portugees, Italiaans, Nederlands, Pools, Russisch, Japans en Chinees. Unless you state otherwise, we will understand that your data has not been changed, that you agree to notify us of any change and that we have your consent to use it for purposes established above. Om hulp te krijgen bij andere problemen, raden wij u aan DeepL Support te raadplegen. online translation journal > Special Issues > Special Issue: Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL) > DeepL Traduttore e didattica della traduzione dall'italiano in tedesco" [DeepL Translator and didactics of translation from Italian into German. Geben Sie den zu übersetzenden Text ein. With the release of DeepL 2017, the company name was changed to DeepL GmbH. 08006 Barcelona (Spain), Calle Recoletos, 19, 7th Floor online translation journal > Special Issues > Special Issue: Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL) > DeepL Traduttore e didattica della traduzione dall'italiano in tedesco", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=DeepL_Translator&oldid=983536594, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from August 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles containing potentially dated statements from January 2019, Articles containing potentially dated statements from May 2019, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 20:00. In compliance with regulations in force, AUTOMATIC TRANS SL will keep the data for the period that is strictly necessary to meet the above-mentioned purposes. Documenten kunnen op dit moment niet worden vertaald. Usa DeepL Traduttore per tradurre gratuitamente i tuoi testi con la migliore traduzione automatica disponibile, potenziata dalla migliore tecnologia di rete neurale al mondo: DeepL. First, both applications need internet access because they both access their respective online translation services. There are no advertisements on DeepL. We'd like to hear your opinion! Ãbersetzen Sie so viel Sie möchten: Ãbersetzungsvolumen und Anzahl der Zeichen pro Ãbersetzung sind unbegrenzt.
The results were the following: As DeepL uses more advanced technology than Google, it generates translations that read very naturally, similar to those that could be produced by a human translator. You can contact the competent Supervisory Authority to file any claim you consider appropriate. Beliebt: Englisch-Deutsch, Französisch-Deutsch und Spanisch-Deutsch. Ãndern Sie die Sprache eines Dokuments unter Beibehaltung der Originalformatierung für maximale Zeitersparnis. You can download the application directly from the homepage of DeepL. Also, it was first launched in the year 2017. DeepL Translator. Buchen Sie DeepL Pro, um Ãnderungen an Ihren Dokumenten vorzunehmen. The main difference and the added value of the AT translator is that you will be able to translate any text or document while preserving the original formatting. Ãbersetzen Sie Texte in jeder Anwendung auf Ihrem Computer. Search now. Abonnieren Sie DeepL Pro, um mehr als 5000 Zeichen mit dem Online-Ãbersetzer zu übersetzen. But, if you want to have it on your desktop. In accordance with the provisions of Personal Data Protection regulations in force, we inform you that your information will be incorporated into the data-processing system owned by AUTOMATIC TRANS SL, with Tax ID Code B62026430, and registered address at VIA AUGUSTA 13-15, 2-203, 08006, BARCELONA, for the purpose of attending to your enquiries and sending you any commercial communications that may be of interest to you. As of 12 May 2019[update], 21.8% of traffic comes from Germany, 17.4% from France, 10% from Spain, 7.9% from Switzerland and 4.1% from Poland. Machine translation solutions are ideal for professional translators, who use them as a support tool, and also non-professional users who just need an occasional translation. Alleen afzonderlijke .docx-, .pptx- of .txt-bestanden kunnen worden vertaald. TechCrunch USA The disadvantage of the application from DeepL is that its response is a bit slow but that might change in the future. [5][13][14], Word documents in .docx format as well as PowerPoint presentations (.pptx) can also be translated. Mathematicians, InTRAlinea.org (in Italian). Multilingual neural machine translation service, Comparison of machine translation applications, "Deepl.com Traffic, Demographics and Competitors", "DeepL Language Translator Expands with Pro Edition and RESTful API", "DeepL schools other online translators with clever machine learning", "DeepL: Cologne-based startup outperforms Google Translate", "Duits bedrijf DeepL claimt betere vertaaldienst dan Google te bieden", "Transformer vs. DeepL: Attention Based Approaches to Machine Translation", "DSL.sk - Sprístupnený nový prekladač postavený na umelej inteligencii, tvrdí že je najlepší", "Startup Launches Language Translator That Taps into Five-Petaflop Supercomputer", "Maschinenintelligenz: Der Besserübersetzer", "One-click Document Translation with DeepL", "DeepL Translator learns Japanese and Chinese", "KI-Übersetzer DeepL unterstützt Japanisch und Chinesisch", "Deep Translator – Scarica l'estensione per Firefox (it)", "Odoroki no hinshitsu o mushō de ~ AI hon'yaku sābisu "DeepL hon'yaku" ga nihongo to chūgokugo ni taiō - madonoto", "Maschinelles Übersetzen: Deutsches Start-up DeepL will 230 Sprachkombinationen unterstützen", "DeepL Pro: Neuer Aboservice für Profi-Übersetzer, Firmen und Entwickler", "New DeepL Pro pricing plans: Free trial, lower prices, team accounts", "Spekuliert Deepl auf den Google-Exit, Jaroslaw Kutylowski?
Translate now. Het woordenboek is op dit moment niet beschikbaar. Footnotes, formatting and embedded images are retained. [4] Additionally, approximations of language equivalence are proposed among all of those languages, using a two-step process via an English pivot. [10] The translation is generated using a supercomputer that reaches 5.1 petaflops and is operated in Iceland with hydropower. Ontvang snellere vertalingen met DeepL Pro →. [27], The site prohibits users from using the service for the translation of personal and sensitive information of third parties.
The site complies with European GDPR regulations. [8] The service uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs)[5] that have been trained with the Linguee database. Sleep hier om Word (.docx) en PowerPoint (.pptx) bestanden te vertalen met onze documentvertaler. Ziehen Sie Word- (.docx) und PowerPoint- (.pptx) Dateien hierhin, um sie mit unserem Dokumentenübersetzer zu übersetzen. Passen Sie die Ergebnisse des DeepL Ãbersetzers Ihren eigenen Anforderungen an. DeepL Pro abonnieren If you like to know more about me feel free to use the social links in the menu at the top. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! AUTOMATIC TRANS SL informs you that it will process the data in a lawful, fair, transparent, appropriate, relevant, limited, precise and up-to-date way. [19], In October 2018, the pricing model was revised so that various options are available instead of just one payment model. But, there hasn’t been any type of systematic & technical comparison yet. Let op: dit formulier is uitsluitend bedoeld voor het melden van problemen bij documentvertalingen. Sie nähern sich Ihrer maximalen Anzahl von Zeichen für diesen Monat. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. In accordance with the rights conferred by the data protection regulations in force, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, data processing limitations, deletion, portability and opposition with respect to personal data, as well as the consent provided for the processing thereof, by addressing your request to the address above, or to the email address info@AT-languageSolutions.com. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. But, it has made a mark on the users through its accurate and efficient translation. But, it has made a mark on the users through its accurate and efficient translation. The pricing model provides for a basic monthly fee that includes a set amount of text. DeepL is an innovative free translation service that uses artificial intelligence techniques based on deep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence that attempts to … DeepL Traduction - DeepL Translate. One of the best features of Google Translate is that it can import documents and, once translated, show the translation in such a way that online. Its translation tool is just as quick as the outsized competition, but … The advantage on the other side is that DeepL gives you the option to click on a word to get synonyms or to change word orders. However, the service was until now only available as an online service. Gebruik de gratis DeepL Translator om uw teksten te vertalen met de best beschikbare automatische vertaling, aangedreven door DeepL's wereldwijd toonaangevende neurale netwerktechnologie. Was gefällt Ihnen an dieser Einstellungsmöglichkeit oder was können wir daran verbessern? [20][21], DeepL released translation software for Microsoft Windows and macOS in September 2019.[22][23]. This, however, could change with the arrival of DeepL, given that, according to its creators, it is capable of producing a higher quality translation than any other machine translation system. Second, since they access an online service your translation goes online and can be exposed to others. Die maximale Anzahl der Dokumentübersetzungen für diesen Monat (${period}) wurde erreicht. One advantage for QTranslate is that the translation service it uses can be changed (it gives you 10 different services to choose from). [2][3][4] It has received positive press asserting that it is more accurate and nuanced than Google Translate.[5][6]. Möchten Sie mehr übersetzen?