The fingerpicking patterns in this lesson can be found in countless songs, so they’re worth practicing. Seeing how the pattern changes depending on how many strings a chord uses will make it easier for you to apply these patterns to other chords. The PDF loads in a new browser window (rotate small displays to horizontal). When playing in 4/4 time, you can almost expect to hear it. If you strum these strings, it won’t sound right. This means you will be alternating between thumb and index for every note. The rhythm is the same for all of the notes, but you can hear how the pattern is broken into two groups of three and a group of two notes. If this is the first fingerpicking pattern you are learning, take your time and make sure each note rings out clearly. Blackbird 07/22/2020; New Tabs! At first, this might feel a bit complicated, but once you get used to it you’ll find it completely opens up your fingerpicking to new options. A great way to work on these fingerpicking patterns is to print them off so you can practice them every day. If you are already a subscriber to the Guitar Tab Archive, follow these steps to log into your account: Click on the link of your desired transcription. Exact matches only. Search in title . For more downloadable resources and to help support this website, subscribe to email updates here. Here is an example of endless groups of three played in 3/4 time: Don’t worry if you haven’t played in 3/4 time before. I recommend learning this pattern using your thumb and index, then try to learn it with a classical fingerpicking technique if you’re up for a challenge. C        ... (Fingerstyle) Ave Maria - Franz Schubert, Chet Atkin's arrangement, (Fingerstyle) Blessing - 張學友 (Jacky Cheung) 祝福, (Fingerstyle) Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley, (Fingerstyle) Country Roads - John Denver, (Fingerstyle) Dawn Carnarvon - Scott Tyers, (Fingerstyle) Dust in the Wind - Kansas (Backing guitar), (Fingerstyle) Ever 17: The Out of Infinity - Karma, (Fingerstyle) Every Breath You Take by Police, (Fingerstyle) Farewell (Christian Berndt), (Fingerstyle) Field of Gold - Sting, arranged by Sungha Jung, (Fingerstyle) Flower (Hana) - Masaaki Kishibe, (Fingerstyle) Here Comes the Sun - Beatles, (Fingerstyle) How Deep is Your Love - Bee Gees, (Fingerstyle) I Believe - from My Sassy Girl, (Fingerstyle) I Believe - from My Sassy Girl (Chris Wong's version), (Fingerstyle) I'll have to say I love you in a song - Jim Croce, (Fingerstyle) Imagine - John Lennon the Beatles, arranged by Chet Atkins, (Fingerstyle) In My Life - John Lennon and Paul McCartney, the Beatles, (Fingerstyle) Leaving on a Jet Plane - John Denver, (Fingerstyle) Love me Tender - Elvis Presley, (Fingerstyle) Nothing else Matters - Metallica, (Fingerstyle) Once upon a Rainy Day - Jubing Kristianto, (Fingerstyle) Radioactive - Imagine Dragons, (Fingerstyle) Rain and Tears - Aphrodite's Child, (Fingerstyle) River Flows in you - Yiruma, arranged by SUNGHA JUNG, (Fingerstyle) Salida del Sol - Kreidler Kamjunke, (Fingerstyle) Spanish Lady - Traditional Irish, (Fingerstyle) Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin, (Fingerstyle) Teardrops on my Guitar - Taylor Swift, (Fingerstyle) Tennessee Waltz - arranged by Bill Tyers, (Fingerstyle) Thank you for... - Masaaki Kishibe, (Fingerstyle) The Feather (Forrest Gump Theme), (Fingerstyle) Wake me up when September ends - Green Day, arranged by jorgenolla, (Fingerstyle) Wake me up when September ends - Green Day, my version, (Fingerstyle) Waves of the Danube (The Anniversary Song), (Fingerstyle) Winter Sonata, 13 Jours En France, (Fingerstyle) You are not alone - Michael Jackson. You might be surprised by how fast you can play this fingerpicking pattern after a bit of practice. The important point to remember is that the top two strings shouldn’t be strummed. Learning new fingerpicking patterns can give you different playing options and take your music in new directions. Start with simple patterns like the above examples and experiment with changing them around. I recommend spending time practicing this fingerpicking pattern because it shows up so often. Search in content . The fingerpicking patterns in this lesson can be found in countless songs, so they’re worth practicing. Pop Tabs. Recent Guitar Posts. New Tabs! Minor Scale Harmonization guitar strings 1-4 06/08/2020; New Tabs… This fingerpicking pattern is very similar to pattern 5 in that you need to pluck two adjacent strings at the same time. Exact matches only . The Shadow of Your Smile 08/10/2020; New Lesson (Harmony) 07/27/2020; New Tabs! The other three fingers always stay on the same strings. For an alternative way of playing this pattern, play the first and second strings with your index and middle fingers and use your thumb for all the other notes. Take a look at the below TAB and see if you can find the groups of three and the group of two in each bar: If you’re unsure what I mean by groups of three and a group of two, the first three notes are a group of three played with the thumb, index, middle. Acoustic fingerstyle guitar songs arranged by various artists like Adam Rafferty, Hansel Pethig, Tomi Paldanius, Gabriella Quevedo, Kimiyoshi Akiyama, Chris Crouch and many others.