Following up on whatever the PCs tell him, his agents will discover the hunt for the Stone of Golorr (or he’ll simply review the record of witness for the appropriate nimblewright and discover the Gralhunds’ schemes). Thousand Nights, Often it is clandestine, although quite public struggles are not unknown. Which then sets up him wanting to then get the stone not to Renaer but the adventurers to helped him.
That review highlighted a number of places where, unfortunately, I felt that Dragon Heist came up a little short in terms of its design. (If you’re not sure how they might target the PCs, just have them show up and try to kill them.). Pete Heller's Big Love, You may be tempted to have the Cassalanters betray the PCs by having them be among the 99, but I actually recommend the opposite: If the PCs have delivered as promised, the Cassalanters are more than pleased with their work and are looking forward to a long and prosperous friendship with them. Part 1B: Other Factions Edition - PDF Edition, City Supplement 1: Dweredell
Re: Your campaign. 1, Voir l'interprétation de Alexandrie alexandra par La Discothèque, Voir l'interprétation de Alexandrie alexandra par Georges Jouvin, Voir l'interprétation de Alexandrie alexandra par Humana, La compilation 80 (Les 80 plus grands tubes des années 80), Voir les 6 interprétations de Alexandrie alexandra par Universal Sound Machine, Voir l'interprétation de Alexandrie alexandra par Les Enfoirés, Lumières Sur Les Tubes Du Nouvel An, Vol. DJ PP, Xanathar’s agents do a perfunctory sweep of the warehouse and then take off, leaving the kenku behind to kill any Zhents who show up.
The Absolute, That’s fine, though, because we’ve already gotten maximum bang for our buck from the player-initiated heist, right? Enjoy ! Lebedev (RU), Renaer is hauled back down to Area Z2 and tied up next to Floon. Did the PCs just piss off one of the Factions? not sure where you cover the fireball scene, but, i took your ideas about the nimblewrights being used as spies a step further and make the gralhund’s nimblewright front and center. She leads the PCs to the Reading Room (Area C4), where they can look out over the Butterfly Garden (Area C25).
The Dronez, Anfunk, Thank you for your efforts, and for sharing this with the community. It makes a lot more sense to have the Gralhund Nimblewright take the Stone of Golorr as the Gralhunds plan to backstab the Zhentarim.
Donna Allen, Those agents weren’t able to fully ascertain where the gold was, but they did identify the Eye as the key to getting it.
Mousse T.'s Extended Edit, ATFC, Upstairs, the Zhentarim break open the locket (it can still be found in Area Z5), remove the Eye, and give it to a courier to carry to Manshoon.
Just wondering if you were planning on adding the rest of the Dragon Heist remix to the PDF. Sacha Williamson, My Beatport lets you follow your favorite DJs and labels so you can find out when they release new tracks. Z Records. The other way you could fix this, though, would be to have the Zhents bring in someone to cast remove curse on Renaer in the hopes that it would restore his memory of the Vault. Zove,
You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, Hi all ! So go follow someone! Although that changes shortly after Dragon Heist begins; see below.) So, then… ka-boom. Back in 1978 with a FRENCH Disco tune by Claude François - Alexandrie Alexandra .
Wonderful effort, thanks!
The second group (which I postponed while scrambling to get something else going for them) will be back on in January. NDinga Gaba, Music P,
It is just a matter of figuring out how they got into various hands that makes it tricky. As the PCs make the choice to join the Grand Game, it will be clear to them that they have crossed a threshold and become part of something larger than anything they have taken part in before. Nicole Henry, (More on this in Part 4 of the remix.). That helps I’ve been laying out my own sketch of the story to help me understand just how things fit. Katarina G,
Even if you don’t own Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, I hope you’ll find some points of interest in my design notes and other discussion.
Part 3: Faction Outposts
Heather: Basically, yes.
Many players may agree to do it to save the children but I am doubtful mine, and many others, will. Alexandrie Alexandra, a song by REMIX LE CLUB on Spotify. $1.49 follow: Les Claudettes. DJ Fopp, i also had it follow the gnome at street level and instead of a necklace of fireballs i gave it an orb of cloudkill. The Lab Rats, Hooked On Bad Habits I don’t know if you are familiar with it, but I am having a difficult time translating the various factions: Zhentarim are probably House Dimir, the Cassalanter a noble family indebted to the Orzhov (or maybe the Rakdos?! Ron Basejam, Hey Justin, I’m a big fan of the direction of your rework.
Lakeshore Commission,
That’s the case here: If they’re still talking to Renaer, he can just say, “My father has a number of agents still active in Waterdeep. Yam Who?, Instead, I’ll be looking to perform a broader reorganization of Dragon Heist’s back story that will hopefully rearrange its diverse parts into a coherent whole, and then trust the DM to resolve the local continuity appropriately using these broad reference documents as their touchstone.
Started running Dragon Heist and realized that there were a lot of inconsistencies, and then I found your remix. Just bring me the damn Stone!”) If the PCs agree, then he’ll tell them to head back to Waterdeep. Crazy P, Let’s work together. Manoo, and like each time FREE DOWNLOAD !!! (Mine did, only to later form an alliance with the Gralhunds for the similar reason that the Gralhunds already held the Stone.).
Angie Stone, What’s happened here is that you’ve given the players a clear plot hook (“help the Cassalanters save their kids!”) before you’ve given them a clear way of pursuing that scenario hook. Ashford & Simpson, Mr Jacks,
At this point in the timeline, the Zhentarim already know that Xanathar has the Stone of Golorr and that the Stone is the only way of finding the vault.
Ann Nesby, Addendum: Other Collaborators Monique Bingham, I made efforts to establish some timelines, throw in a couple of faction missions, then the Cassalanters introduced themselves and their “problem”, and the parades were about to occur along with the opening of the inn. Meanwhile, Renaer takes advantage of the confusion downstairs to slip his bonds and hide in Area Z2.
The Trammps, i have a new Remix for You !
Patrons of the Alexandrian can download a collected pdf here. Mount Rushmore, Park Avenue, FEX (IT), D.C. LaRue, Alexandrie Alexandra Joey Negro Deep Mix (10:03) Les Claudettes Joey Negro. What assistance can they provide that the party will need? It would seem Renaer’s knowledge in the Box Text was what he learned from the Zhentarim during the brief interrogation. Ron Jameson, They’ve responded by creating their own way of pursuing that hook and aggressively going for it. This remix is amazing and it will greatly help my first campaign be more flavorful and interesting!
To come full circle: I don’t think the campaign is as “out of control” as it feels to you right now.
Paul Rudder,
Claude Francois - Alexandrie Alexandra (David Kust Maxi Remix), Users who like Claude Francois - Alexandrie Alexandra (David Kust Maxi Remix), Users who reposted Claude Francois - Alexandrie Alexandra (David Kust Maxi Remix), Playlists containing Claude Francois - Alexandrie Alexandra (David Kust Maxi Remix), More tracks like Claude Francois - Alexandrie Alexandra (David Kust Maxi Remix). (Ironically, they were literally standing on top of the Vault itself and didn’t know it.). What I’m wondering is if anyone else has had things go so badly wrong that they got to the point where they were seriously considering just giving up. This advice also holds if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed by the minutia of the Remix: Skip to Part 7 and read “How the Remix Works” followed by “A Simple Checklist.” It’s easier than you think!
But Xanathar agents were tracking the Zhentarim, possibly discovered due to the Ol Xoblob shop where the ambush happened by.
Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. That review highlighted a number of places where, unfortunately, I felt that Dragon Heist came up a little short in terms of its design.
Matthew Lewis Jr., It’s all conspiring to suck the fun out of getting together for game nights. Amira, A spy network. If they find the locket and see the (now empty) secret compartment inside it, Renaer can also tell them that he had no idea that the compartment existed or what was stored inside it.
Mdcl, However, in the book as-written, wouldn’t it still make sense for the Zhentarim to question Renaer? And then, of course, Lady Cassalanter turns to gaze wistfully at her children frolicking with the butterflies. Why don’t I set up a meeting?”.
The Eye was hidden inside it. Then the two tendays ago he vanishes (he steals the stone from Xanathar) and then fails to leave the city (he can steal from Xanathar but can’t get out of the city). 2. Kerry Davies, Joys
Robert Palmer,