Rain? Radars météo - Blainville, QC. Results of the research are published in scientific journals and transferred for use by the weather office.>/p>, For more information about the Radar Group, please see their webpage, Natural Kaolin: Sustainable Technology for the Instantaneous and Energy-Neutral Recycling of Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions, Collaboration between McGill AOS and ECCC, Impact of oil sand nanoparticle on ice nucleation processes and weather processes, The Existence of Airborne Mercury Nanoparticles, Synoptic Control over Orographic Precipitation Distributions during the OLYMPEX, Estimating Climate Feedbacks Using a Neural Network, Surface tension prevails over solute effect in organic-influenced cloud droplet activation, Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU), Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University (SUS), Post Graduate Students' Society of McGill University (PGSS). Ice? Marshall Radar Observatory, located thirty kilometers west of the central campus. Maple Nowcast Here, we apply this algorithm to composite radar maps over the Southern Quebec and the Northeastern US to obtain precipitation forecasts for the next three hours. Part of the Canadian radar network, it is used by the local weather office to monitor weather in real-time. Its data are used in a variety of applications, from severe weather detection to sewer flow forecasting. A radar image indicating where precipitation is occurring. Radars météo - Villeroy, QC. Published by Michael Havas on November 20, 2012 at 4:52 pm under announcement, IT. The MAPLE algorithm developed by Germann and Zawadzki (2002) uses the Variational Echo Tracking technique (VET, Laroche and Zawadzki 1995) to estimate the motion field of precipitation and a modified semi-Lagrangian backward scheme for advection. Météo au Canada; Alertes météo publiques - Canada; Radar météo - Canada; Satellite - Canada; Prévisions saisonnières; Qualité de l'air; Maritime - Canada; Niveau d'eau et débit; Centre canadien des services climatiques; Pour voir l'animation, il faut que JavaScript soit en fonction. Composite, For any questions or concerns about the nowcast, please contact calin.giurgiu@mcgill.ca. Alone, combined with other meteorological information or in conjunction with numerical modeling of atmospheric processes, the radar data are used to study storm dynamics and the physics of precipitation. Customize your map to view overlays such as cities, roads, rivers, radar circles, and animations in short (1hr) and long (3hr) format. Because of this collaboration, results obtained in research projects are quickly integrated into operational use. The Observatory offers also the opportunity for research projects related to operational meteorology, radar hardware and signal processing. Part of the Canadian radar network, it is used by the local weather office to monitor weather in real-time. Being part of a university, our main focus is teaching and research. Our group upgrades and designs radars, develops new ways to process the radar signals and uses the resulting data, and performs research on the physics of weather events and their prediction. Liens Météo. Easy to use weather radar at your fingertips! MAPLE defines three precipitation types – rain, snow and the transition from rain to snow – based on how temperature changes with height. Contingence radar. Contingency radar. Marshall Radar Observatory, located thirty kilometers west of the central campus. The new weather radars comply with Health Canada’s Radio frequency exposure limits in all modes of operation. MAPLE McGill Algorithm for Precipitation Nowcasting by Lagrangian Extrapolation is an algorithm developed at the JS Marshall Radar Observatory for very short term forecasting (nowcast) of precipitation. Snow? The Doppler radar scans continuously the lower 10 km of the atmosphere providing wind velocity information up to 120 km and precipitation information up to 300 km. At McGill University, we own and operate several weather radars and other meteorological sensors. At McGill University, we own and operate several weather radars and other meteorological sensors. Because they rely solely on past data, MAPLE forecasts become less accurate with time. remains very difficult to forecast and quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF) skill is generally low. Visit the Radar outages and maintenance page for more details.. Please note: The short animation (1 hr) will be a series of 7 frames at 10 minute intervals and the long animation (3 hrs) will be a series of 10 frames at 20 minute intervals. An important resource for graduate students is the J.S. Unlike Numerical Weather Prediction models, which use a variety of complicated equations to forecast precipitation, MAPLE simply uses the motion derived from prior radar observations to estimate the future location of precipitation.