A combined art gallery and association, 'La Fontaine Obscure' hosts the international 'Festival Photographique Phot’Aix Regards Croisés' every year. Consultez les expositions à Aix en Provence en 2020 et 2021 et trouvez une exposition à Aix en Provence en octobre, novembre, décembre. Held in locations ranging from historic buildings to contemporary structures, Aix-en-Provence' exhibition schedule is all here in this cultural diary! Her acrylic painting style is…, Peinture - Pour la rentrée, la Galerie Goutal présente les études ornithologiques de la peintre animalière Calixte D'Annunzio.
Founded by Vallon, the Old Aix museum houses a collection of objects from the past. Exhibits - Pottery, Ceramics, Earthenware, Porcelain.
It is a stunningly beautiful university town whose riches are based on agriculture, academia and a long association through history with royalty and nobility. It was the only camp in France used for internment, transit and deportation. It contains the permanent collection of works mostly by French painters of the XVIth to the XXth centuries and different schools of Dutch, Flemish and Italian art. Contact our Advertising team for Advertising or Sponsorship on TravelAgents.com Network. The hardest thing is choosing! Lou Feraud is a French artist from Aix-en-Provence who graduated from the École Supérieure d'Art in 2011 and splits her time between Barcelona, Paris and the South of France. It displays the objects that were familiar to the painter. The murals painted by interned artists remind the history of those interned people. Aix-en-Provence is a dynamic town with a rich cultural programme, fronting an exciting choice of exhibitions all over town. Les oiseaux sont peints détachés de leur milieu. The international exhibitions devoted to Sorolla's work,…, Divers arts - The Musée Granet has one of the biggest collections of Ancient Egyptian art. Connectez-vous sur l'Espace Pro depuis l'espace membre, L'ensemble des lieux et artistes As a result Aix possesses a wealth of superb architecture that has been carefully preserved and restored over the years. Aix-en-Provence is arguably the cultural and tourism capital of Provence. The archaeological department of this museum offers a chance to learn about the origins of Aix and the Celto-Ligurian civilization of Entremont. It may be a bit…, Divers arts - Voici une décennie maintenant que le Musée du Pavillon de Vendôme invite chaque printemps des artistes à s'approprier ce lieu, joyau architectural aixois du XVIIe siècle en y intégrant leurs créations en résonance avec l'histoire, l'architecture et les collections du musée. L'exposition Joaquín Sorolla, lumières espagnoles présente non seulement des oeuvres de grandes dimensions mais également des dessins de petits formats et des esquisses à l'huile. Consultez les expositions à Aix en Provence en 2020 et 2021 et trouvez une exposition à Aix en Provence en octobre, novembre, décembre.
Grands noms de l’histoire de l’art, nouveaux talents, ou installations contemporaines, la ville propose toute l’année un belle programmation, riche et variée. Located inside the marvelous Hotel Boyer d’Eguilles built in 1672, the museum exhibits a fine French collection of dinosaur fossils found around Sainte-Victoire Mountain. Sur un fond dépouillé, c'est leur silhouette, qui s'offre dans un…, 1-10 • The studio also has an audio-visual room showing films and CD-ROMs. référencés sur Agenda Culturel, Visite Guidée Atelier Du Peintre Paul Cezanne à Aix en Provence, Conférence Les Collections Égyptiennes Du Museé Granet à Aix en Provence. The main attraction is a room dedicated to optical art that holds 42 life-size monumental works by Victor Vasarely, known as the father of "cinetism”. il apprend à l'aimer, sa vie change. Book your tickets for museums, exhibition in Caumont centre d'Art, Granet Museums or Vasarely Fondation, with the Aix en Provence tourist office. The performing arts, illustrated by maquettes, costumes, decor and documents on the history of the Festival of Lyrical Art can also be watched in the museum. sont administrables The building of Vasarely foundation was constructed in 1976 which is a piece of art in itself. En invitant ce printemps Frédérique Nalbandian, dont les…, Divers arts - Le Musée du Vieil Aix propose une promenade dans la ville d'Aix et ses abords immédiats, à une époque où la campagne est toute proche et très présente dans le paysage aixois. The guided tours are offered by the Memorial Carriage Association. The artifacts displayed here are created with a variety of techniques (relief, painting and transparencies) and different materials (wood, metal and plastics). Since 1979, the museum also offers a collection of contemporary textile art and organizes temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art throughout the year. A museum at the first floor of the Palace in the luxurious apartments contains a rich collection of tapestries and furniture from the 17th and 18th centuries. Inspired by Bauhaus architecture, it has 16 impressive hexagonal units. The venue hosts temporary exhibitions of modern works, namely in the field of digital imaging and new technologies regularly. Also one can watch an exhibition on deportation inside the train carriage. He produced one of the most outstanding and vibrant representations of a luminous, Mediterranean, optimistic, and modern Spain. pour annoncer gratuitement un évènement, Découvrez les sorties culturelles proches de vous avec l'application Agenda Culturel, Vos infos et newsletters A new tour trail and cultural services enable visitors to visit or revisit the master's eye-catching…, Divers arts - In 2020, the Hôtel de Caumont Art Centre will focus on the work of Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923), one of the greatest Spanish painters of the twentieth century. Aix-en-Provence boasts numerous diverse venues enthusiastic about cultural attractions, foundations and archaeological sites that testify to its rich heritage. Photography, sculpture and works of art: check out the exhibition dates in our Aix-en-Provence cultural diary! Many German and Austrian people were interned here. The artifacts include furniture, "santons" crib figures, costumes along with paintings screens and earthenware. This site is owned and managed by WN Network. Cette manifestation incontournable du paysage culturel aixois, se déroule dans un esprit d'échange mettant en lumière les travaux d'auteurs connus ou moins connus. The Paul Arbaud was a collector and bibliophile in Provence who gave his house to the Academy of Aix. Plus de quatre-vingt oeuvres du XIXe siècle et de la première moitié du XXe siècle ont été sélectionnées dans le fonds du musée. 21 results found. Lorsqu'un citadin arrive dans la campagne provençale et que, fasciné,