Maintenant en bêta ! Cette tier list de Summoners War aura pour but de présenter les meilleurs monstres PvP de SW avec le plus de potentiel et selon leur nombre d’étoiles natifs. [Automatic Effect]. Certains d'entre vous ont eu la chance de les tester personnellement ? However, if you are looking to bring a control unit with built in despair already, Maruna is your monster of choice. PvP Arena: Maruna might come in handy with double AOE stuns, however each of the AOE’s don’t provide heavy enough damage to bring into an offensive Arena comp and too squishy for a defensive Arena comp. Summoners War: Sky Arena est une appli gratuite de games développée par Com2uS. 【Summoners War】. But out of all the Charkam/Boomerang twins combos, the Shaina/Maruna combo seems to be quite effective as they both offer AOE stuns and Defense Breaks. The stolen beneficial effect(s) will also be granted on Chakram Dancer if she's included in the ally team. Mav - Summoners War - [393] Vos personnages préférés Summoners War en Funko Pop! SOME FEEDBACK YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW ABOUT CHAKRAMS AND BOOMERANGS. Histoire de ralentir le temps et découper frénétiquement les essaims d’âmes sombres à l’aide d’un boomerang tranchant. Her third skill stuns the target for 1 turn and add 1 turn on the duration of weakening effects on target (her stun included). Summoners War : résolutions. Increases the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%. Increases the Critical Rate of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%. Summoners War Database - Your Summoners War: Sky Arena reference. By closing this alert, scrolling this page, clicking on a link or continuing navigation in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies. © 2016 Summoners War Monsters is a fan site not affiliated with Com2Us. Does the combo Maruna/Talia is a good combo or is it weak ? Télévision. Overview: When the twins first came out, they were absolutely fantastic for clearing dungeons but were deemed too overpowered (when brought with an entire team of either Charkam Dancers/Boomerang Warriors) and were shortly after – nerfed to oblivion (combo only allows for 1 Chakram/Boomerang to be brought along now).At best, the twins combos are mostly mediocre now … (Reusable in 5 turns). Lv.2 Damage +5% Lv.3 Damage +5% … • Plus ou moins inutile sans Guerrière au boomerang à côté. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-summonerswar_co-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; Overview:  When the twins first came out, they were absolutely fantastic for clearing dungeons but were deemed too overpowered (when brought with an entire team of either Charkam Dancers/Boomerang Warriors) and were shortly after – nerfed to oblivion (combo only allows for 1 Chakram/Boomerang to be brought along now). Example: Using toghether Sabrina and Shaina will mean that Shaina will do more damage to enemies with no beneficial effects and will recibe less damage from enemies with beneficial efects. Dans le jeu mobile Summoners War de Com2us, la Danseuse aux Chakrams, apparue au printemps 2016, utilise une paire de chakrams. Player level is Lv 7. Acheter Black Friday 2019 | Promotion Funko Pop! 1.- Double attack it´s triggered with any skill. Choice of Chakram Dancer to pair her with will depend on opponents team composition but Shaia is a great combo together with her. Boomerang Warriors, if they are in team with Chackram Dancers, they will attack together with first skill. Strike hard and fast if they are on defense. Boomerang Warriors, if they are in team with Chackram Dancers, they will attack together with first skill. And both of them are still unskilled! Boomerang X est un véritable ballet aérien. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-summonerswar_co-medrectangle-3-0')}; Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Battles by 33%.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-summonerswar_co-medrectangle-4-0')}; Skill 1: Returning Boomerang [340%ATK]: Attacks the enemy to decrease the Defense for 1 turn with a 50% chance. Raids: Maruna does not provide the damage or support skills that are essential for effective raid compositions. Boomerang Warriors, if paired with Chackram Dancers, they ll attack together with first skill. PVP GW/SW: Maruna is a solid offensive unit for GW/SW as she provides her HP33% lead buff, paired with her AOE’ stuns,  and first skill defense break. Alors, vous en pensez quoi de ces jumelles ? Le jeu de l'éditeur coréen Com2uS a en effet lancé durant le week-end sa bêta ouverte sur les supports Android. 2.- Double attack is performed in speed order. (Reusable in 5 turns). Discuss the latest gameplay, news and events with fellow summoners around the … Zenobia’s first skill breaks defense like other Boomerang Warriors with 50% chance. 6 พ.ค. 3.- Revenge runes do NOT trigger the twin attack. TOA: Not extremely useful for TOA Hard, but might be a good pick up for TOA normal provided Maruna is set-up with impressive runes. As a stand alone hero, she can be quite effective with 2 AOE stuns and a defense break. So Revenge runes are not a must on these units, although they are still usefull like in any other monster. Attacks the enemy 3 times to decrease the Defense and Attack Power for 1 turn with a 50% chance each and disturbs the HP recovery. Summoners War Choisissez votre design Summoners War et affichez votre personnalité sur le t-shirt de votre choix : col V ou col rond, manches courtes, manches 3/4 (baseball) ou manches longues, près du corps, ample ou long, léger, mi-saison, chaud ou respirant. Zenobia (Wind Boomerang Warrior) is a good damage dealer and crowd control monster in Summoners War with some unique features. So, if any of the units revenge, she will do it alone. Toutes les commandes sont préparées à la demande et généralement expédiées sous 24 heures dans le monde entier. Retrouvez toutes les figurines de … 19 déc. comment. Site Review. Her passive is very interesting, and the point that is shared with Chakrams in the same team makes it a very nice support bor both two units.Concerning runes, I´m using her with ATK/CrDam/ATK Violent set, but maybe I´ll try SPD on position 2 if I can get a proper rune for it.Awesome performance in NB10 along with any Chackram. Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%. Increases the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%. Chakram Dancer's attack will increase the enemy's harmful effect duration by 1 turn each with a 50% chance when they attack together. Au début je vous conseille de mettre un perso tout seul en défense pour perdre du classement et ne pas tomber contre des compos trop fortes. Summoners War Database - Your Summoners War: Sky Arena reference. This page will be updated frequently to include all the monsters in the game! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Meanwhile, Sabrina will get a 15% ATB reduction effect in every attack (but not when revenging). Sous forme éveillée et selon l'élément du personnage, elle acquière un prénom unique et distinct. So regardless of who is attacking, the faster of the two units will always attack first. However, depending on the needs, one of the units can be runed all attack with Rage and the other fast Violent and also make a powerful combo. Summoners War. Attacks together with Chakram Dancer during her turn if she’s included in the ally team. ; Jeu vidéo. SW-DB. Welcome to the monster list! This unit is a very good nuker that can deal tons of damage and still have some sustain due to her passive.Sabrina can perform devastating attacks with S2 if the enemy is unbuffed, so bringing any defuffer faster than her is always a good idea. 21 oct. 2017 - Cette épingle a été découverte par r o x a n n e. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. Skill 2: Boomerang Crush [320%ATK] : Attacks all enemies with a boomerang and stuns them for 1 turn with a 50% chance each. Chuhou Joutai 2 : Paraided ! Running both of them on the same team and at fast speeds will surely cause havoc on the battlefield. Find all the information about the Summoners Way community (Runes, Notes, Reviews, Teams ...) Confirmation Voir plus d'idées sur le thème jeux, personnages, image jeux video. Sabrina’s first skill breaks defense like other Boomerang Warriors: being a water element monster, she is good against fire monsters, so you can use her against some Khmun+Racuni defenses in Guild War or some Chloe in Arena. add View more. Removes all harmful effects granted on yourself and increases your Attack Power for 2 turns. Zenobia’s first skill breaks defense like other Boomerang Warriors with 50% chance. 4.- Violent runes are a must. Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Com2Us. Un set Rage ou, à défaut d'un bon tx crit., un set Fatale lui permettront d'accumuler une bonne dose de dégâts en très peu de temps. 125% x3 Temps passant: Attaque 3 fois et récupère 15% de la jauge d'attaque à chaque fois que l'attaque est un coup critique. Attacks all enemies with a boomerang and stuns them for 1 turn with a 50% chance each. (Reusable in 4 turns), if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-summonerswar_co-banner-1-0')};Skill 3: Flame Drive [480%ATK]: Attacks all enemies with a boomerang and stuns them for 1 turn. Not recommended. Monsters: Fire Boomerang Warrior Maruna, Water Boomerang Warrior Sabrina, Wind Boomerang Warrior Zenobia, Light Boomerang Warrior Bailey, Dark Boomerang Warrior Martina You can also rate and review every monster in the game and see which ones are rated the best! Code promo Summoners War: Lost Centuria. All HIVE login sent out is100% unverified. Even when it´s S1 the one that mentions that both units attack together, they do it with any skill use, so any time one of them uses any of their skills, the other will perform an attack too. Though as a stand alone unit, Maruna does provide a double AOE stun which would make her a better choice for RTA than in arena as the meta nowadays heavily favors CC teams. 5.- Passive skills are shared. May 20, 2019 - Explore Ryan Allebach's board "Summoner's War", followed by 130 people on Pinterest. The twins combo is still Viable for Necro10 and DB10 partnered with a good Chakram counterpart. Salut tout le monde je débute et je voudrais savoir quel élément est le meilleurs pour la danseuse et la guerrière boomerang ? TOU LINK SRLS Capitale 2000 euro, CF 02484300997, P.IVA 02484300997, REA GE - 489695, PEC: Maruna (Fire Boomerang Warrior) is a good damage dealer and crowd control monster in Summoners War with some unique features. 447. translate. Il est important de toujours vérifier l’utilité de chaque monstres obtenus pour ne pas passer à côté d’un excellent monstre ! Exemples de runes : • Rage ou Fatale - Deva est là pour taper et taper fort. Additionally, if there's Chakram Dancer included in the team, one of Boomerang Warriors will attack together with Chakram Dancer during Chakram Dancer's turn. Supprimer Restaurer At best, the twins combos are mostly mediocre now and most players would probably be skeptical in investing devilmons into at Nat 4 monster/ combo as they don’t all provide any over-the-top specialty or any PVP superiority over Nat 5 teams. With her middle grade base speed, she wont’ be out-speeding any opponents alone. This is a fan site, we are not affiliated with Com2Us. 340% Returning Boomerang: Attacks the enemy to decrease the Defense for 1 turn with a 50% chance. Hi ! Each tab lists the different element monsters. At least in one of them, because every proc means two attacks, so believe me: Violent effect is really OP here. Home > Monsters > Fire Boomerang Warrior (Maruna). r/summonerswar: Subreddit for mobile game Summoners War: Sky Arena. For Rifts, Maruna might be useful for Fire and  Dark Rift when paired with a Boomerang Warrior. Les adeptes de l'univers Summoners War peuvent découvrir dès à présent le nouveau titre de la série, Summoners War : Lost Centuria. Note that if one of the units (or both) has a passive skill shared, the effect is not always used, as some passives are only triggered when performing a double attack. The second skill of this monster is a cleanse on Zenobia and a buff of attack power on herself. Catapultez-vous dans les airs et profitez de la puissance des créatures abattues en chemin. The goal of this guide is to get your GB10 team to a 100% success rate, ~40 second average runtime as efficiently as possible so you can really maximize on your rune farming and progress your Summoners War account as fast as possible. As she is a single target nuker, a faster Cichlid in example, will give her a fast and easy kill. The enemy target attacked by Chakram Dancer is guaranteed to be stunned when they attack together. Il s'agit de l'arme de prédilection de Xena, la guerrière dans la série télévisée du même nom. Maruna’s first skill breaks defense like other Boomerang Warriors with 50% chance. He will speed up GB10, arena farm, early TOA stages, secret dungeons (underrated by a lot of people but it's important to be able to clean those really fast), some labyrinth stages, can be used in some GW / siege matchups, and he's a fast Hydeni (then Aiden later) farmer. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-summonerswar_co-large-mobile-banner-1-0')};How To Counter: Firstly, banning any of her sibling counterparts will effectively reduce their capabilities together as a combo. High Mid High Mid Leader Skill (Awakened): Increases the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%. You instantly gain another turn after using the skill. Sabrina (Water Boomerang Warrior) is a good damage dealer in Summoners War with some unique features. Cette figurine mesure environ 10 cm et elle est emballée en boîte-fenêtre. 20 - 40 Summons from MS/Crystal/Stone. Les meilleures offres pour Summoners war account g2 arena/c3 rta eu Top runes sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en … So Booomerangs and Chakrams with passives share the skill effects, making them more powerful. Gaming et Animation Produits sur Pop In A Box FR - livraison gratuite disponible. Works well with Bastet and Megan for ATB and ATK Power boost. Sabrina is very good to use in PvP, especially if paired with some debuffer, like Belladeon, Lisa or Dark Chackram [...], Zenobia (Wind Boomerang Warrior) is a good damage dealer and crowd control monster in Summoners War with some unique features. Attacks all enemies to inflict damage that's proportionate to your attack speed and increases your Attack Bar by 10% each when you land a Critical Hit. If you cannot find a specific monster, use th 22 days ago. 30 avril 2021 0. Additionally, if there's Chakram Dancer included in the team, one of Boomerang Warriors will attack together with Chakram Dancer during Chakram Dancer's turn. Chackram Dancers in team with Sabrina are granted the same effect. This is perhaps the only unit in the game that has two built in AOE stuns. The Monster Guide of Monsters: 3, 4, and 5* Mons, Trial of Ascension (ToA) In-depth Guide – Units, Runes and Stats, Team Composition, Homunculus (Support) Best Skill Tree Paths. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-summonerswar_co-leader-1-0')};PvP RTA: Unfortunately, during the Ban Phase, most RTA opponents probably won’t let you go through/get away with both a Charkam Dancer and a Boomerang Warrior and essentially banning one of them will severely reduce their effectiveness. Découvrez des t-shirts, posters, stickers, objets déco et autres produits du quotidien sur le thème Summoners War, personnalisés par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 3 vélins légendaires Eau/Feu/Vent GRATUITS !. Related Videos. / Summoners War : Sky Arena / Tous les forums / Forum Summoners War / Topic J'ai deux danceuses au chakram + guerriere au boomerang, je fais quoi ? This effect cannot be oblivioned or cancelled in any way, except stunning, freezing or sleeping one of them. To be properly effective she has to be in team with some debuffer like Olivia, [...]. The [...], Sabrina (Water Boomerang Warrior) is a good damage dealer in Summoners War with some unique features. Chakram Dancer's Attack Bar will increase by 20% each when her attack lands as a Critical Hit while they attack together. The enemy target attacked by Chakram Dancer is guaranteed to be stunned when they attack together. Boomerang Warriors, if paired with Chackram Dancers, they’ll attack together with first skill. If you want to learn more, see the cookie policy. Sabrina s first skill breaks defense like other Boome 2019 - สำรวจบอร์ด "Summoners War" ของ Krain (แว่นนั่งวาด) บน Pinterest ดูไอเดียเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ แฟนพันธุ์แท้, ศิลปะ, การถ่ายภาพบุคคล The damage will be increased by 10% each up to 15 times whenever this effect occurs. Boomerang Warrior is a group of monsters in Summoners War that consists of 5 natural 4 star monsters. [Automatic Effect]. (Reusable in 5 turns), Attacks the enemy to stun the target for 1 turn and increases the harmful effect granted on the enemy by 1 turn. Attacks the enemy to decrease the Defense for 1 turn with a 50% chance. Summoners War : Sky Arena; SUMMONERS WAR LOST CENTURIA; Francais. 3 mai 2021 0. Shinzah. Chackram Dancers in team with Sabrina will add 1 turn on weakening effects with 50% chance on enemies when they attack together . And accompanied with a Chakram dancer, she can provide good burst damage for 4-Star Siege Wars. Boomerang Warriors, if they are in team with Chackram Dancers, they will attack together with first skill. A little low on the base HP. Chakram Dancer will be granted with the same effect if she's included in the ally team. - Summoners War FR Mr Since I use her with Shaina, my best time has dropped by nearly 20 seconds and the average run is now more than 30 seconds faster and 100% safe. (Reusable in 4 turns), Attacks all enemies with a boomerang and stuns them for 1 turn. (Reusable in 3 turns), Receives 20% less damage from enemies granted with beneficial effects and inflicts 20% more damage on enemies with no beneficial effects. Moreover she will gain another turn instantly. If you don't count Lapis, Lushen. At you will find guides, tips, rune recommendations and monster ratings that will help you progress in the game. She is quite the refreshing counter to some teams that require bursting down such as Racunni/Khmun comps but make sure their runes are top notch and they are paired with good support. Joue maintenant pour des métamorphoses des Danseuse aux chakrams & Guerrière au Boomerang★ 100% gratuites ! But overall and alike the rest of the Boomerang Warriors, Maruna is quite squishy with her low base HP and can easily be taken down.
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