Where we find it difficult to comply, we review the procedures and scheduling. “Overall, we are fortunate in that we have sufficient personnel with a wide range of rare skills. Dossier Naval Group | Actualité industrie navale de défense. While no vessels are currently laid up in Toulon for refits, air defence frigate Jean Bart is undergoing some work. Pour apporter aux navires de Naval Group une véritable supériorité opérationnelle à la mer, le JLMT accélère les développements technologiques … “Continuous liaison enables us to tailor our efforts to the Navy’s priorities. Lafarge France. ALSTOM. Fortunately, the unloading of fuel from the boat’s nuclear reactor – a big job that takes several weeks and cannot under any circumstances be interrupted once under way – had not yet begun. Published on Mer et Marine, march 2018. This has been challenging given that the variety and volume of work undertaken had to be scaled back due not only to Covid-19 proper, but also to the government-imposed lockdown. Les racines de l’entreprise remontent à la réorganisation de l’ancienne marine royale et le développement des arsenaux par Richelieu et Colbert il y a quatre siècles. PHA-type landing helicopter docks Mistral and Dixmude have been deployed to Mayotte in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean (i.e. Naval Group has a front-line role to play as the prime provider of fleet through-life support. « La stratégie d’acquisition retenue repose sur … ECA GROUP et iXblue renforcent leur partenariat et signent un contrat pour des systèmes de navigation et de positionnement sous-marin ainsi que des sonars d’évitement d’obstacles dans le cadre du programme de remplacement des systèmes MCM pour la marine belge et la marine royale néerlandaise. As in Brest, the group is focusing on its main missions. L'Adroit, renommé Bouchard lors de son entrée en service dans la marine argentine en 2019, est un patrouilleur hauturier de la famille Gowind (type OPV 90) spécialement conçu par DCNS [3], pour mener à bien des missions de sauvegarde maritime.Il dispose d’un large champ d’actions grâce à un ensemble de moyens de prévention et d'action nécessaires aux tâches de surveillance et de police en mer : … These SSN overhauls resulted in a power struggle with the CGT, a confederation of trade unions, which has asserted its members ‘right to withdraw’ under a ‘serious and imminent danger’ procedure following a meeting of the works council. The Navy is also contributing to operation Résilience to provide nationwide support for the fight against the pandemic. “In times like these, everyone has a right to be preoccupied and it stands to reason that strong, responsible and established social dialogue is essential. It is not sustainable over the medium term. Depuis le 23 mars 2020, Pierre-Eric Pommellet est le nouveau président de Naval Group, qui emploie environ 14.000 personnes en France et à l’international. “We’ve adapted everything to the new context. Naval Group Australia. Transit System. Depuis la fabrication de la première pièce en 2007, ce sont 600 à 700 salariés de Naval Group et de la trentaine d'entreprises sous-traitantes qui travaillent chaque jour pour le programme. the French Antilles and French Guiana), respectively. “The first step is to have fewer people aboard at any given time. Without you, without your dedication and work, we wouldn’t be able to undertake our missions over the coming weeks and months. Compact and equipped with high quality imagery, this new generation of … The top priority is, of course, to protect our employees and allow them to work remotely where practicable. “If the phenomenon accelerates and large numbers of employees are unable to work, we’ll face a new set of challenges. “We’re working in close collaboration with the Navy to define priority tasks and rank them accordingly. As regards masks and other personal protection equipment, or PPE, Laurent assures us that the group has enough to meet its needs. We Love Cinema. At Toulon, the number is down from between 1700 and 1800 to just 350. L’occasion de faire le point sur la situation et les perspectives de Naval group. VINCI Construction … Objectif : transmettre le savoir-faire en # maintenance des # sousmarins et former chaque année 150 collaborateurs Naval Group et de nos partenaires [# TRAINING] Naval Group opens in Brest the school site ′′ Safety Diving ", to maintain and develop its key #skills! Je salue l’engagement des équipes de conception et de production de Naval Group, de TechnicAtome, maitre d’œuvre de la chaufferie nucléaire embarquée, ainsi que celles de la DGA, du CEA et de la Marine nationale. We’ve cut the number to one-eighth of the usual and reorganised everything around 2/8 watches with no crossing of paths. We need you and the work you do to preserve our capabilities.”. Things are more complicated when it comes to working on SSNs. * © An article by the Mer et Marine team. Il en découlera plusieurs contrats, qui seront successivement attribués. “While we, like other companies, transferred much of our stock to medical staff in Toulon and environs, we also retained sufficient for our own needs.”. Cette combinaison répond aux besoins des marines modernes et permet de livrer des solutions « sur mesure ». Avec ce dossier spécial défense de Mer et Marine, suivez toute l ... (DGA), le Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Naval Group, Thales, Safran, MBDA, Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Nexter, ECA Group, les Chantiers de l’Atlantique, Piriou, Kership, Ocea, CMN, Socaneram, Ufast, Raidco Marine, Merré, iXblue, Nexeya, SeaOwl, Sofresud, DCI Navfco… Comprenant des reportages, interviews, dossiers, focus, … Regarding SSN Rubis’ quayside maintenance – a much smaller job – Naval Group is holding discussions with the Navy to identify the priorities. Mer et Marine. Naval Group assure la maintenance préventive, corrective et prédictive, à travers des méthodes comme l’écoute vibratoire par exemple. C'est à Cherbourg. More specifically, Navy aircraft have helped to move Covid-19 patients from over-stretched hospitals to others that still had beds available. Je suis arrivé il y a un an sous le signe de la crise sanitaire et économique. Some tasks can be postponed while others that are essential to a vessel’s long-term mission capabilities cannot.”, Naval Group is also addressing the issue of critical skills and how many members of staff have them. 16/04 : A bord de l'Alsace, première FREMM de défense aérienne . 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); “These overhauls are among our biggest,” says Laurent. Each site is specialised in a particular activity. Brest also maintains key units assigned to so-called ‘state action at sea’ missions like maritime safety & security and coastguard duties. The ship was built by French company Ocea at its Les Sables d’Olonne shipyard... by Vincent Groizeleau. “These are challenging times. As things stand, the Group considers that it should be able to make up for most of the scheduling slippage due to the lockdown. Naval Group dispose d’une dizaine de sites, dont les principaux sont : Follow @MeretMarine Fondation FDJ. Elles seront livrées en 2025. Company. En 1624, le cardinal de Richelieu, alors premier ministre de Louis XIII, définit une politique navale qui prévoit de développer les arsenaux afin de donner à la France une puissance maritime capable de rivaliser avec celle de la Grande-Bretagne. That’s the situation and my prime concern right now. Naval Group est sur les rangs depuis plus d'un an, en groupement avec Chantiers et ateliers du Maroc (CAM), qui assure déjà certaines prestations de maintenance pour la Marine royale. The Brest facility, at the tip of the Brittany peninsula, is critical as its main task is the on-going maintenance of the Navy’s four nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines, or SSBNs, based at nearby Île Longue, along with the surface combatants that protect them. The question is: How long can it last? We’re getting used to new ways, but we still have to keep a close eye on the evolving situation.” Given that, to date, the pandemic has had less impact in Brittany than elsewhere, many are asking What next? Some of these surface combatants are currently laid up for scheduled refits. No one, least of all Naval Group, knows how long the lockdown will last. If that isn’t enough, we recommend additional protection like face masks.”. Naval Group, Sirehna et l’Ecole Centrale de Nantes poursuivent leur association au sein de leur laboratoire commun de recherche, le Joint Laboratory of Maritime Technology (JLMT). Two of the five boats based at Toulon are laid up for intermediate maintenance. La solution développée par Naval Group et ECA Group combine un navire de guerre de dernière génération et un système de drones (toolbox) pour lutter contre les mines en mer qui augmente l’efficacité des opérations de déminage tout en préservant les vies humaines. Fortunately, this is not the case for the moment.”, Naval Group must also contend with the economic reality of a country that is largely at a standstill and the resulting tensions in its supply chains, including the closure of some suppliers. Sistership PHA Mistral, also assigned to operation Résilience, spent a week in Toulon provisioning for a mission of unknown scope, scale or duration to Mayotte in the Indian Ocean. ainsi que des Chantiers de l’Atlantique, avec lesquels Naval Group coopère sur les programmes de très grands bâtiments militaires, comme les futurs ravitailleurs et porte-avions français. Naval Group operates 10 sites in France. We need to keep talking and find solutions together. The thinking changes every week as the operational priorities and challenges change and as we adapt. While much engineering and design work can be done from home, shipyard tasks can only be performed on site,” says Éric Balufin, the facility’s general manager. Créée et réalisée par la DCN, alors entreprise étatique, (aujourd’hui Naval Group), cette classe de frégates, dont cinq exemplaires sont en service au sein de la Marine nationale française et quinze autres qui en sont dérivés, au sein des marines de guerre taïwanaise, saoudienne et singapourienne, a adopté pour sa coque des angles de 20° réduisant sa surface équivalente radar (SER), des superstructures diminuant … … For the moment, we can say that things are under control,” says Laurent. While work has ceased aboard SSN Perle (drydocked in the Missiessy zone of the Toulon naval base), it continues in Naval Group workshops. Some have shut down all their operations except for their facilities in Brest because they know that we are all engaged in one of the nation’s essential missions.”, In Toulon, Naval Group is responsible for the maintenance of the Navy’s Mediterranean fleet, including the Charles-de-Gaulle aircraft carrier and several nuclear-powered attack submarines, or SSNs. School. À Brest, le groupe assure, en tant que maître d’œuvre, le MCO (Maintien en condition opérationnelle) des navires et SNLE de la Marine nationale. //-->, Média et Pro : Mer et Marine | Le Télégramme | Bretagne.com | BlogModerateur | Tébéo | Tébésud | Planète Voile | Bretagne Magazine | Le Mensuel du Morbihan | Le Mensuel de Rennes | Bretagne - marchespublics | Regions - annonceslegalesEmploi : HelloWork | RegionsJob | MaFormation | ParisJob | Cadreo | TalentDetection | JobiJoba | Diplomeo Sports : OC Sport Pen Duick | Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe | La Solitaire du FigaroCorporate : Groupe Télégramme | Viamédia | Rivacom, Dossier Naval Group | Actualité industrie navale de défense, Livre : Notre avenir s'écrit dans l'océan d'Isabelle Autissier et Francis Vallat. Risk management being a key component of all our work as a defence contractor, we had little trouble adding Covid-19 to the list. “For the moment, we haven’t encountered any serious problems for the simple reason that we have sufficient stock to last us a while yet. French version (Un patrouilleur vénézuélien veut arraisonner un paquebot et coule après l’avoir abordé) published online on 3 April 2020.... “There are no silver medals in this game. Fin 2020, Naval Group est revenu sur un Euronaval Online avec un concept de sous-marin retravaillé, le SMX-31 E. L’industriel a travaillé pendant deux ans avec des marins et des équipementiers pour affiner le concept et le rendre plus réaliste, et mise sur une date de lancement autour de 2040. We also incorporated coronavirus risks into our risk reduction plans and added respiratory hygiene requirements for each operation. Naval Energies, en France et dans le monde, est le spécialiste du flotteur semi-submersible. Les débuts d’ECA Group dans la robotique navale ont d’ailleurs eu lieu aux côtés de Naval Group : ECA Group avait été chargé de réaliser un modèle libre de sous-marin à la fin des années 60, mis en œuvre par Naval Group à St-Tropez. For the time being, preparatory work, including engineering aspects, can still be managed by staff working from home despite the bandwidth problems due to the higher volumes of secure data exchanged. Quel bilan faites-vous un an après votre arrivée ? The situation is, however, different at the Brest and Toulon facilities responsible primarily for maintaining the French fleet. Alors que les discussions se poursuivent entre la France et l’Allemagne autour de l’usine de moteurs diesels de Saint-Nazaire, qui fournit notamment des bâtiments de la Marine nationale, les syndicats et personnels continuent sont toujours aussi inquiets.Dans une lettre ouverte, la CGT de MAN Energy Solutions, mais aussi celle de Naval Group, alertent l’opinion publique sur les menaces qui … French version (Comment Naval Group s’organise pour assurer la disponibilité de la flotte française ?) ENSTA Bretagne. 27/04 : CMN produit des blocs pour la première FDI . But this will not be the case for long as more overhauls are planned for the months ahead. On returning from Lebanon on 28 March, PHA-type landing helicopter dock Dixmude was immediately assigned to the French Caribbean as part of operation Résilience, organised by the Ministry of Armed Forces, to provide nationwide support for the fight against the pandemic. Puis, dans la foulée, Naval Group et ECA Group … Ce soir, plongez avec RMC Découverte dans les entrailles de l'ïle Longue, la très discrète base des SNLE, à la rencontre des sous-mariniers et des équipes de Naval Group et ses 6 000 partenaires à l'origine de cette prouesse industrielle ! Media/News Company. Naval group livre un deuxième patrouilleur à la marine argentine . Le ministère des Armées a notifié à Naval Group et Thales la commande de deux frégates de défense et d'intervention (FDI), l'Amiral Louzeau et l'Amiral Castex. As for each Euronaval show since 2010, Mer et Marine will publish a special issue of Naval Forces • Focus on French Technology. “I extend my encouragement to all navy and merchant marine sailors working in support roles. As no agreement could be reached, the matter has been referred to the military labour inspectorate, which is examining Naval Group’s proposed measures. Cette firme dirigée par Chafiq Essakalli compte aussi à son capital l'homme d'affaires Mehdi Laraki , et la holding Delassus Group , propriété d'une grande famille industrielle marocaine, les Bennani-Smirès . In a message to the entire fleet on Friday 3 April, Admiral Christophe Prazuck, Chief of Staff of the French Navy, stressed the essential role played by all those involved in support and maintenance. To safeguard its personnel and resources, the Navy has down-scaled operations to its main missions. Naval Énergies était surtout concentré dans la conception et la réalisation des flotteurs des trois éoliennes flottantes en projet. The unions consider that the health and safety conditions are inadequate and demand guarantees. Where compliance poses a problem, particularly safe distancing between employees, we introduce further measures, including working in watches and wearing face masks,” says Laurent Moser, the general manager of Naval Group’s Toulon facility. We’ve analysed each task to see if it can be performed in line with respiratory hygiene rules. After minor repairs and loading, PHA Dixmude set sail on 3 April. naval group; marine nationale; fremm; Publié le 16/04/2021 19:35 Mis à jour le 19/04/2021 08:52. “Naval Group has worked for the French Navy for around 400 years and, despite the exceptional and unprecedented circumstances, we should be able to find solutions enabling us to meet its needs and respond to every operational emergency.” But, again as in Brest, we also have fewer resources than usual, which inevitably means that priorities must be set. As a result, the number of people working at the facility has fallen significantly. Kythis . Les frégates de Naval Group (Gowind®, frégates FREMM et Belh@rra®) sont capables de traiter tous les domaines de lutte, les navires de projection de forces et de commandement (porte-hélicoptères amphibies de classe Mistral) permettent de projeter des forces, assurent le commandement d’opérations aéronavales et viennent en soutien des opérations humanitaires. L’objectif principal serait de mieux comprendre les besoins à bord et d’expérimenter … More specifically, the changes have included working from home where possible, time off for parents to look after young children and the sick, and self-isolation for anyone with symptoms of Covid-19. Early on we closed the canteen, banned gatherings and checked that everyone was following hygiene guidelines. L’entreprise propose également des solutions de valorisation d’eau de mer des profondeurs à partir d’un système central d’énergie thermique des mers (ETM). The Philippine Coast Guard formally took delivery of offshore patrol vessel BRP Gabriela Silang on 18 December 2019. Sometimes we have had to add a few steps, like preliminary cleaning, or install additional washrooms so that people can wash their hands close to where they are working, or else provide hand sanitiser. This is a major operation for Naval Group and its subcontractors as it mobilises hundreds of people and normally takes 18 months. SSN Rubis is docked for its last intermediate quayside maintenance before it is retired at the end of the year and SSN Perle has been drydocked since last November for its final refuelling and complex overhaul (RCOH), a ten-yearly refit that calls for the complete refurbishment of all equipment and fittings, system upgrades, pressure hull inspection, and reactor refuelling. At Brest, Éric Balufin says “this is a real challenge and it depends on decisions that have yet to be announced.” Nevertheless, now is the time to start thinking about how the Group should ramp up its activities once the pandemic has passed. Pendant les cinq prochaines années, Naval Group et Technic Atom se concentreront sur «l'affinage des spécifications techniques des SNLE 3G». Éric attributes this positive result to the commitment and adaptability of Group teams. Je m'abonne; Connexion; à la une Défense Marine Marchande Construction Navale Croisières et Voyages Vie Portuaire Pêche Energies Marines Formation et Emploi.
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