Within the UN structures the CSO has taken on the Chair of the UNECE High Level Group on the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG MOS) which drives many of the advancements in technology and methodology taking place in the official statistical domain. There is a professional line management structure in the CSO. Under the Public Service Management Act, 1997 the Director General of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has the following main responsibilities: Section 4(1)(i) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997 empowers the Director General to assign to other officers (or grade or grades of officer)responsibility for the performance of his/her functions. Click here for details. This unit will also take a coordinating role in the development of citizen focused outputs, and in particular horizontal outputs i.e outputs that provide insights into specific themes by reference to a broad range of statistics and attempt to tell you the story behind the figures. Prior to his election as WHO’s next Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia from 2012–2016 and as Minister of Health, Ethiopia from 2005–2012. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the provision and development of the Officeâs corporate IT systems development services. Music Director; Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Composers; Chicago Symphony Chorus; Civic Orchestra of Chicago ©2021 Chicago … CSO has many titles. The Director General is selected via an open competition conducted by the Top Level Appointments Committee (TLAC) and the post is at Secretary General Level. Along with the CSO, the top management usually consists of: Director General, also uses the acronym CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Chief Financial Officer, also uses the acronym CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Press Room » âThe Director General shall be a corporation sole by the name of the Director General of the Central Statistics Office with perpetual succession and a seal and may sue or be sued by that name.â (Section 12 (2) Statistics Act 1993), Section 13 of the Statistics Act 1993 sets out that the Director General has the sole responsibility for and is independent in the exercise of the functions of decidingâ. Balance of Payments Analysis & Dissemination. Room No. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the compilation and development of the government sector accounts (financial and non-financial), for dealing with the statistical requirements of the Excessive Deficit Procedure, and for the compilation and reporting of health and social protection accounts. THE new director general of the BBC will take a pay cut from his present £600,000 salary when he moves to the top job. CSO Dialogue: Palliative care integration in WHO strategic priorities leading to comprehensive primary health care under universal health coverage WHO Health and Multilateral Partnerships . Responsibility at Head of Division level for the compilation and development of external trade in goods statistics. d.Training Division: This Division is primarily responsible for the training manpower in theoretical and applied statistics to tackle the emerging challenges of data collection, collation, analysis and dissemination required for evidence based policy making as also for planning, monitoring and evaluation. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the development of statistical methodology. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the provision and development of the Officeâs ICT infrastructural services. The Minister of State also presents the CSO vote to the Dail and to the Select Committee on Finance and the Public Sector. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the provision and development of strategic human resource management (SHRM) including: strategic workforce planning; people and performance management; learning and development, and; well-being. The CSO, headed by a director general, brings out macro economic data like economic growth data, industrial production and inflation. Overall management of Economic Directorate and co-ordination responsibility in relation to business statistics. Secretary of the COVID-19 Central Committee Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Win Myat Aye was accompanied by Shan State government’s Bamar Ethnic Affairs Minister, Deputy Director-General of State Public Health and Medical Services Department, Deputy Director-General of Social Welfare Department, and officials from the General Administration … Social Statistics Regulation Coordination. monitoring and implementing Governm ent policies appropriate to the Office, preparing Statements of Strategy for submission to the Minister for agreeme nt, ensuring that the Statements of Strategy are implemented and providing progr ess reports to the Minister, ensuring the proper and cost-effective use of resources, the provision of efficient and effective public serv ices and that value for money is obtained. The Programme Implementation Wing has three Divisions, namely, (i) Twenty Point Programme (ii) Infrastructure Monitoring and Project Monitoring and (iii) Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme. Functions. Mr David Young Deputy Chief of Missions US Embassy Nigeria. Librarians Library Personnel. Director General Role Under Section 12 of the Statistics Act, the Director General of the CSO is appointed by the President of Ireland following nomination by the Taoiseach. Role of the Assistant Directors General and Director Level. Responsibility at Head of Division level for provision of statistical services in the Department of Education and Skills. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the compilation and development of annual national accounts outputs including national income, output and expenditure statistics, regional accounts, input-output tables and VAT Own Resources. Founded in 1891, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra is consistently hailed as one of the greatest orchestras in the world. Explore tickets and events pages list Experience CSO Explore tickets and events pages list; About the CSO & Symphony Center. (CSO) in editing, compiling and presenting the data. The Office provides interventions and supports for management staff to support their leadership development. Satyabrata Chakrabarti Former Deputy Director General at Central Statistics Office, New Delhi, Government of India Gurgaon, Haryana, India Nonprofit Organization Management This allows them to influence the development of harmonised statistical methodology, the drafting of statistical legislation, and the assessment of statistical standards and quality. Responsibility at Head of Division level for ensuring the consistency of data; the overall co-ordination of the national accounts and of institutional sector accounts; for the compilation and development of quarterly national accounts and institutional sector accounts statistics, for the management of the Large Cases Unit (LCU) co-coordinating data collected from large enterprises and for the management of the Eurostat Gross National Income (GNI) verification procedures including completion of inventory and preparation for the Eurostat mission. The current director-general is Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who … In order to create an internationally accepted measurement framework for global value chains and economic globalisation, Eurostat commissioned a study from Dr. Timothy Sturgeon of the Staff must adhere to the provisions of the Statistics Act, and central policies such as the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviours, the Official Secrets Act and the Code of Ethics in Public Office. In addition each Assistant Director Gener al or Director has overall responsibility for one of the six CSO directorates: Heads of Division (Senior Statisticians and Principal Officers). Brass Horns Trumpet Trombone Tuba. Assignment of Senior Management Roles and Responsibilities. Hiroshi Kosaku Division Director of Non Clinical CRO Business. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistics on agriculture, transport and tourism. The QMF extends the use of systematic process improvement programmes to streamline, standardise, document and build robustness into the CSOâs core processes. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the development, management and processing of administrative data (personal and enterprise based) to meet statistical demands, support evidence based policy making and contribute to reducing respondent burden. Director. As a member of the European Statistical System all middle and senior management from Statistician/AP to Director General have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of EU Working Party Groups, Task Forces and Committee Meetings. Under Section 12 of the Statistics Act, the Director General of the CSO is appointed by the President of Ireland following nomination by the Taoiseach. The Director General is selected via an open competition conducted by the Top Level Appointments Committee (TLAC) and the post is at Secretary General level. Director General of NACA. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the collection, analysis and dissemination of prices statistics, i.e. Deputy Director-General Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Mr. Achim BURKART Counsellor Permanent Delegation Mlle. chaired by U San Myint,Director-General of the CSO and discussed based on the difficulties encountered in collecting, compiling, analysing, and disseminating the ASEAN Member States (AMS) datato far improvethe quality of IMTS data of theAMS. Consumer Price Index (CPI), Wholesale Price Index (WPI), House Price Index (HPI), Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), Agriculture Prices and Import Prices. While going through the out patients' records he came across the following data for a particular day : " Ear consultations 45; Nose 50; Throat 70; Ear and Nose 30; Nose and Throat 20; Ear and … The present Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey (ALCS), conducted by the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) and financially supported by the European Commission, is the sixth round of data collection since the start of the survey in 2003. Some companies give the title Chief Business Officer or Chief Development Officer to its senior executives who are holding the top strategy role. Copyright © 2021 Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Data Informatics and Innovation Division(DIID), Conference of Central and State Statistical Organizations (COCSSO), Guide on the Right to Information Act, 2005, Statement of Immovable Property Return (ISS), MoSPI and Population Council Institute of India, MoSPI and United Nations India and Niti Aayog, Handbook on Collection of Statistics Act, 2008, Handbook on Collection of Statistics Act 2008 in Telugu, Collection of Statistics Act, 1953 (Repealed), Collection of Statistics(Central) Rules 1959, Effective Date for Collection of Statistics Act 2008, Corrigendum on Collection of Statistics Rules 2011, Working of the Collection of Statistics Act-2008 Annual Report for 2011-12, The Collection of Statistics (Amendment) Act,2017, INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROJECT MONITORING DIVISION, Coordination and Publication Division(CAP), Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD), Data Informatics and Innovation Division (DIID). In order to accelerate progress in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic in the regions, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian issued a circular letter promoting cooperation between government agencies and civil society organizations (CSOs), including non-governmental organizations, to deal with the impact of … Dear colleagues and friends, Welcome to this dialogue on palliative care, which is a follow up from our last discussion in November, which raised many important issues. Irish Statistical System Coordination Horizontal Reports. The CSOâs focus on developing strong leadership and improving capacity includes; Other mechanisms for developing leadership and capacity include, Specific capacity building measures include. Under the terms of the Assignment of Responsibilities each Head of Directorate (i.e. The development of a Quality Management Framework (QMF) which is a capacity building long-term programme of activities, to ensure that statistical production meets the highest standards as regards quality and efficiency. The division is also responsible for the processing of requests for access to GUI microdata and oversight of emerging pathfinder projects to link GUI data with administrative data. 1. ... (NHVMAS), is pleased to present to you the Annual Stakeholders Accountability Forum and Treatment Optimization Workshop. National Accounts â Integration & Large Case Unit. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the transformation of the household surveys to meet new and existing demands and data collection for household surveys. Yoshiyuki Hano Managing and overseeing external communications in the CSO, developing a user engagement strategy, managing media relations, developing a media relations strategy and ensuring that the reputation and profile of the CSO is maintained and enhanced. Under the powers vested in the Director General under Section 4(1) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997 the DG makes assignments at Head of Division level, these posts are either Senior Statisticians or Principal Officers. The survey from respondents in 46 countries finds there is decreasing space for CSOs to operate and influence change. b.Social Statistics Division (SSD): This Division is entrusted with Statistical monitoring of the Millennium Development Goals, Environmental Economic Accounting, Grant-in-aid for research, workshop/seminars/conferences in Official/Applied Statistics, National/International awards for Statisticians, National Data Bank (NDB) on socioreligious categories, Basic Statistics for Local Level Development (BSLLD) Pilot scheme, Time-use survey and release of regular and ad-hoc statistical publications. Responsibility at Head of Division level for the development of a coordinated approach to surveys on Income, Consumption and Wealth. The main goal of CSO is to develop an effective, efficient and coordinated National Statistical System (NSS) that will ensure sustainable production and disseminating of demand driven official statistics for national development. Music Director Riccardo Muti appoints Jessie Montgomery as CSO Mead Composer-in-Residence for 2021-24. The Sensible Code Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Gerry O’Hanlon, former Director General Central Statistics Ireland, as a non executive director. 2 min read. As per the recent order, there will be three Director Generals —DG(Statistics), DG (Coordination, Administration and Policy) and DG (National Sample Survey) — reporting to the Secretary (S&PI) as against DG (Economic Statistics), DG (Social Statistics) and DG (Surveys) earlier. The CSO is located in Delhi. This role is also informed by the NSB's Strategy for Statistics 2015-2020, the CSO 2020 strategy and priority transformation actions, EU Regulation 759/2015 which amended EU Regulation 223/09, the European Statistics Code of Practice and the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, the EU Statistical Programme 2013-2017 and its successors. Estimating Artificial Light in Ireland from Satellite Imagery, 2015-2019, Agriculture Price Indices - Preliminary estimates. About Ministry The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation came into existence as an Independent Ministry on 15.10.1999 after the merger of the Department of Statistics and the Department of Programme Implementation. Responsibility at Head of Division for the timely and successful transfer of the Growing Up in Ireland survey from the ESRI to the CSO over a three-year period including scoping out of Phase 3 and preparation for survey fieldwork in 2023. Takashi Sano Senior Advisor, Academy Head. The average salary for a Chief Strategy Officer is $185,640. Household Finance and Consumption Survey The CSO's HR Division has developed a strategic human resource management (SHRM) system which includes strategic workforce planning, people and performance management, learning and development and employee engagement and well being. The Latest News of CSO: In the first actual experience The Central statistical origination meeting with directors of statistics in the governorates by video conference system . The CSO is mandated to produce statistical outputs relating to economic, social and general activities, and conditions in the State. Strings Violin Viola Cello Bass Harp. The Director General is selected via an open competition conducted by the Top Level Appointments Committee (TLAC) and the post is at Secretary General level. Responsibility at Head of Division level for classification decisions in relation to the government and commercial public sectors in the National Accounts. Responsibilities further include performance and discipline of CSO civil servants below the grade of Senior Statistician/Principal Officer or its equivalent pursuant to the Civil Service Regulation Acts 1956-2005; and responsibility for the performance of functions relating to appointments.