[6] 2014 Mayıs ayında, Stennis Uzay Merkezindeki B-2 test tablası NASA'nın 7440 kN itki üretebilen SLS ana aşamasının testine uygun hale gelmesi için yükseltilmeye başlandı. [25] The 2016 subscale development engine had 40% (by mass) of its parts manufactured by 3D printing. Subscale versions of Raptor engines were also built for early testing on ground test stands. Le Raptor a fait son premier test d’allumage au sol ce lundi 26 septembre et s’est soumis à toute une batterie de tests. On 5 May 2021, Starship prototype SN15 using 3 Raptor engines, was launched to an altitude of 10 km. [63], In January 2016, the US Air Force awarded a US$33.6 million development contract to SpaceX to develop a prototype version of its methane-fueled reusable Raptor engine for use on the upper stage of the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles, which required double-matching funding by SpaceX of at least US$67.3 million. SpaceX a pour la première fois testé son nouveau moteur Raptor qui devra équiper la fusée Starship destiné aux missions vers Mars prévu pour bientôt. Starship Super Heavy with 35 Raptors [52], In October 2013, SpaceX announced that they would be performing methane engine tests of Raptor engine components at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi,[53][54] and that SpaceX would add equipment to the existing test stand infrastructure in order to support liquid methane and hot gaseous methane[22] engine component testing. [85] On 19 June 2020, Musk announced that the Raptor engine tests achieved the expected chamber combustion pressure of 300 bars (30 MPa) on a test stand. [11] Mars'ta İn-situ kaynak üretimi (In-situ resource production, İn situ - "sahada") konusu NASA tarafından incelenmiş; oksijen, su ve metan üretimi için uygunlanabilir olduğuna karar verilmiştir. Trois nouveaux moteurs Raptor Les moteurs ont été testées dans des conditions qui ressemblent à une démonstration de force: C’est désormais trois moteurs de ce type qui sont […] [47] According to a study published by researchers from the Colorado School of Mines, in-situ resource utilization such as methane from Mars makes space missions more feasible technically and economically and enables reusability. Pour la suite, SpaceX a tenté et réussi un nouveau test statique ce vendredi 26 mars. Il est doté de trois moteurs Raptors, récemment testés par SpaceX avec le Starhopper. Elon Musk, directeur de SpaceX (l’entreprise spécialisée dans le vol spatial), a publié dimanche soir sur son compte Twitter deux vidéos renversantes. [90], The first flight test of a Raptor engine, SN6, occurred on 25 July 2019, carrying Starhopper to an altitude of 20 metres (66 ft). Musk goes into a long explanation of the potential capabilities of the SpaceX Raptor rocket engine (which will power Starship), saying that the company thinks Raptor could achieve a thrust-to-weight ratio of 200. Le Raptor, le moteur de SpaceX utilisé pour alimenter le vaisseau spatial qui approche, a atteint de nouveaux degrés de puissance électrique tout au long de son développement. "[7], Raptor Vacuum[99] (also RVac) is a variant of Raptor with an extended, regeneratively-cooled nozzle for higher specific impulse in vacuum conditions. Des vidéos épatantes et hautes en couleur. [37] SpaceX completed its planned testing using NASA Stennis facilities in 2014 and 2015. Raptor will be used in both stages of the two-stage-to-orbit, super-heavy-lift Starship system[13] launch vehicle,[14] which will supersede Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy. [75] In October 2017, Musk clarified that "[initial flight testing will be with] a full-scale 9-meter-diameter ship doing short hops of a few hundred kilometers altitude and lateral distance ... [projected to be] fairly easy on the vehicle, as no heat shield is needed, we can have a large amount of reserve propellant and don’t need the high area ratio, deep-space Raptor engines. [75][80], The first flight version of the Raptor engine arrived in McGregor, Texas in late January 2019. Raptor n’est pas un dragon, mais le petit nom du moteur qui va être équipé sur Starship, dont les vols d’essai ne devraient plus tarder. [98][22] By mid-2018, SpaceX was publicly stating that the sea-level flight version Raptor engine design, with a nozzle exit diameter of 1.3 m (4.3 ft), was expected to have 1,700 kN (380,000 lbf) thrust at sea level with an Isp of 330 s (3,200 m/s) increasing to an Isp of 356 s (3,490 m/s) in vacuum. [20] The Space Shuttle's RS-25 also used a staged combustion cycle,[21] as do several Russian rocket engines, including the RD-180[20] and the RD-191. No upper stage vehicle design/redesign was funded by the contract. [6] 2014 Şubat ayında, gözden geçirilmiş, daha yüksek itkiye sahip bir tasarım şirket tarafından incelenmiştir; ancak daha yüksek hızın geliştirilen ilk motorlarla mı elde edileceği açık değildir. ... le carburant du puissant moteur Raptor. [41] Further mention of the development program occurred in 2011. [2], SpaceX'te metan yakıtlı aşamalı-yanma motorunun geliştirilmesinin ciddi bir şekilde düşünüldüğünün ilk ipuçları 2011 Mayıs ayında ortaya çıkmıştı.SpaceX ABD Hava Kuvvetlerine, USAF Tekrar-kullanılabilir Hızlandırıcı Sistemi Yüksek İtki Ana Motoru talebinde istenen kerosen-yakıtlı motor ile rekabet edebilecek bir metan-yakıtlı motor ile ilgilenip ilgilenmediklerini sormuştur. "[78], Notably, Musk also announced that the new Raptor-powered BFR launch vehicle was planned to entirely replace both Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy in the early 2020s, initially aiming at the Earth-orbit market, but SpaceX is explicitly designing in substantial capability to the spacecraft vehicles to support long-duration spaceflight in the cislunar and Mars mission environment as well. Des moteurs en cours de test. Le Raptor est un moteur-fusée alimenté par du méthane liquide [1] et de l'oxygène liquide (LOX) [2], développé et fabriqué par SpaceX.Il équipe les étages inférieurs et supérieurs du lanceur super-lourd Starship construit par SpaceX. Re: Le moteur-fusée Raptor de SpaceX Sam 7 Mar 2020 - 11:19 Et puis musk, veut surtout créer la "machine" qui produit les raptors et les starships … [43], In October 2012, SpaceX publicly announced concept work on a rocket engine that would be "several times as powerful as the Merlin 1 series of engines, and won't use Merlin's RP-1 fuel", but declined to specify which fuel would be used. Re: Le moteur-fusée Raptor de SpaceX Sam 27 Mar 2021 - 16:47 Je ne sais pas si ça a été dit ici, mais SN11 sera probablement le dernier véhicule équipé de l'ancienne génération de moteurs. [2], Yer altındaki suyun ve Mars'ın atmosferindeki karbon dioksit varlığı nedeniyle, basit bir hidrokarbon olan metan Sabatier Reaksiyonu sayesinde kolayca Mars yüzeyinde sentezlenebilir. "SpaceX Starship Super Heavy and Raptor Engine Evolution, Starship SN-6 Hop, Starlink, SAOCOM 1B", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, "Starship + Super Heavy propellant mass is 4800 tons (78% O2 & 22% CH4). In September 2016, at the 67th International Astronautical Congress, Musk mentioned several Raptor engine designs that were planned for the Interplanetary Transport System. Max thrust version of Raptor should achieve true T/W > 170. [15] Starship will be used in various applications, including Earth-orbit satellite delivery, deployment of a large portion of SpaceX's own Starlink megaconstellation, and the exploration and colonization of Mars. [5] After shutting down all engines at apogee, the vehicle transitioned into a horizontal flight profile and descended back down to the launch site. The Raptor engine was mounted off-center and controlled the Starship during lift off, horizontal traverse, and landing. En effet, dans la soirée du 31 janvier 2019, Elon Musk a publié des images dudit moteur, dénommé Raptor. The development Raptor engine discussed in the October 2013 time frame relative to Stennis testing was designed to generate more than 2,900 kN (661,000 lbf) vacuum thrust. 2014 öncesine kadar , sadece 2 adet tam-akışlı aşamalı yanma döngülü roket motoru rampada test edilebilmeye yetecek kadar ilerleme sağlamıştı: 1960'lardaki Sovyet RD-270 projesi ve 2000'lerin ortalarındaki Aerojet Rocketdyne Integrated powerhead ispat (demonstration) projesi. On 10 February 2019, Musk announced on Twitter that the flight version engine had attained a chamber pressure of 268.9 bars (26.89 MPa) on a test stand. [46] In-situ resource production on Mars has been examined by NASA and found to be viable for oxygen, water, and methane production. Initialement, celui-ci doit utiliser un mélange hydrogène-oxygène liquide, mais fin 2012 le dirigeant de SpaceX indique que le moteur, destiné à propulser un étage supérieur, brûlera un mélange méthane /oxygène liquide. On 26 September 2016, Elon Musk tweeted two images of the first test firing of an integrated Raptor in SpaceX's McGregor test complex. Ayrıntıların "1 ile 3 yıl arası" bir sürede belli olacağını, büyük motordan birden fazla sayıda yeni SpaceX roketinde kullanmasının amaçlandığını, dolayısıyla bu sayede alçak Dünya yörüngesine 150 - 200 ton civarı malzeme taşınabileceğini ve bu miktarın NASA'nın Uzaya Fırlatma Sisteminin (Space Launch System) kapasitesinin üzerinde olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. While the optimized Raptor vacuum engine is aiming for an Isp of ~380 s (3,700 m/s),[100] the v1.0 Raptor vac design to support early Starship development has been made more conservative and is projecting an Isp of only 365–370 s (3,580–3,630 m/s), intentionally decreasing engine performance to obtain having test engines sooner. [65] For reference, 330 bar on Raptor produces ~225 tons (half a million pounds) of force". [24], The Raptor engine is designed for the use of deep cryogenic propellants—fluids cooled to near their freezing points, which is typical for cryogenic rocket engines. [22], For the flight vehicles, Elon Musk discussed two engines: both a sea-level variant (expansion ratio 40) for the first stage, or ITS booster and a vacuum variant (expansion ratio 200:1) to obtain higher performance with the second stage. [16], Turbopompa ve enjektörlerin çoğu üç boyutlu baskı yöntemiyle üretilecektir böylece geliştirme ve tekrarlanan testlerin hızı artacaktır. Sources differed on the performance of the test engine. À l’instar de ses prédécesseurs, le SN11 était propulsé par trois des moteurs Raptor. Raptor metan motoru bileşenlerinin ilk testi Stennis Uzay Merkezinde yapılmıştır. By July 2017, the plan had been modified to do flight testing on a much smaller launch vehicle and spacecraft, and the new system architecture had "evolved quite a bit" since the ITS concept from 2016. Tests continued at least into September 2015. Explosion en vol. Component testing at Stennis also allowed hardware characterization and verification of proprietary analytical software models that SpaceX developed to push the technology on this engine cycle that had little prior development work in the West.[22]. [29], Because of the presence of water underground and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Mars, methane, a simple hydrocarbon, can easily be synthesized on Mars using the Sabatier reaction. — SpaceX (@SpaceX) September 29, 2019 . ", "SpaceX launches Starship "hopper" on dramatic test flight", "Starship SN5 conducts successful 150-meter flight test", "SpaceX Starship prototype finally flies", "Watch SpaceX's SN6 Starship prototype soar on test flight (video)", "Fuel header tank pressure was low during landing burn, causing touchdown velocity to be high & RUD, but we got all the data we needed! With high flight rate, probably below at at about $1.5M fully burdened cost for 150 tons to orbit or ~$10/kg", "Max demonstrated Raptor thrust is ~225 tons & min is ~90 tons, so they're actually quite similar. Elon Musk ayrıca Raptor kod adlı motor tasarımının artık metan-yakıtına-dayalı bir tasarım olacağını,[5] ve metan'ın SpaceX'in gelecekteki Mars'ın kolonileştirilmesi görevlerinde yakıt olarak kullanılacağını belirtmiştir. Substantial additional technical details of the ITS propulsion were summarized in a technical article on the Raptor engine published the next week. [2][23] The Raptor engine has more than twice the thrust of SpaceX's Merlin engine that powers their current Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles. [87] On 3 April 2019, SpaceX conducted a successful static fire test, firing the engine for a few seconds while the vehicle remained tethered to the ground. Après un décollage parfait, le vaisseau s’est ensuite écrasé au sol. [37] In February 2014, Tom Mueller, the head of rocket engine development at SpaceX, revealed in a speech that Raptor was being designed for use on a vehicle where nine engines would "put over 100 tons of cargo up to Mars" and that the rocket would be more powerful than previously released publicly, producing greater than 4,400 kN (1,000,000 lbf). [69][70][71] When asked if the nozzle diameter for such version was 14 ft (4.3 m), he stated that it was pretty close to that dimension. A full-duration test of version 1 of the Raptor Vacuum engine was completed in September 2020 at the SpaceX development facility in McGregor, Texas. [3], On September 3, 2020, Raptor SN29 propelled Starship SN6 to an altitude of 150 metres (490 ft) at the Boca Chica test facility; as with Starship SN5, the engine was mounted off center and controlled the prototype during the entire flight, which lasted for approximately 45 seconds. Une première mise à feu tonitruante C'est le tout premier test grandeur nature pour le moteur Raptor. An abnormally low methane feed pressure caused SN8 to fail its landing maneuver and be destroyed.[96]. [38][39] Le Raptor, le moteur de SpaceX utilisé pour propulser le prochain vaisseau spatial, a atteint de nouveaux niveaux de puissance au cours de son développement. [22] Raptor je raketový motor vyvíjený soukromou americkou společností SpaceX.Má být použit na raketě Super Heavy a kosmické lodi Starship, pomocí které chce SpaceX vynášet vlastní satelity konstelace Starlink, těžké náklady na oběžnou dráhu Země a po dotankování na LEO dopravovat náklad i lidi na povrch Měsíce a Marsu.. Motor bude umístěn na obou stupních rakety. Le Raptor est un moteur-fusée alimenté par du méthane liquide [1] et de l'oxygène liquide (LOX) [2], développé et fabriqué par SpaceX.Il équipe les étages inférieurs et supérieurs du lanceur super-lourd Starship construit par SpaceX. 2012 Mart ayında, haber kaynaklarına göre Raptor yukarı-aşama motoru geliştirme programı başlamıştı, ancak ayrıntıları henüz herkese açıkça bildirilmemişti. [25], Raptor motoruna güç, sıvı metan ve sıvı oksijen karışımı ile daha verimli aşamalı yanma döngüsü kullanılarak sağlanacaktır,[16] bu da, Merlin motorlarının kullandığı 'açık döngülü' Gaz-üreteci sisteminden ve LOX/kerosen itki üreten yakıtlarından vazgeçildiğini göstermektedir. Patron de SpaceX, Elon Musk a annoncé 35 moteurs Raptor de nouvelle génération pour Super Heavy. The USAF contract called only for the development and build of a prototype, to be demonstrated in a USAF-supervised set of tests. [67][68] On the same day Musk revealed that their target performance for Raptor was a vacuum specific impulse of 382 s (3,750 m/s), with a thrust of 3 MN (670,000 lbf), a chamber pressure of 300 bar (30 MPa; 4,400 psi), and an expansion ratio of 150 for the vacuum-optimized variant. Pour réaliser cet exploit, le constructeur américain a développé le moteur «le plus complexe que l’on puisse imaginer». SpaceX'in Merlin motorunda olduğu gibi, Raptor roket motorunun da bir vakum uyarlaması planlanmıştır. [28][22][29], Additional characteristics of the full-flow design, projected to further increase performance or reliability include:[29], SpaceX aims at a lifetime of 1000 flights for Raptor. Raptor is a family of full-flow staged combustion cycle rocket engines developed and manufactured by SpaceX, for use on the in-development Starship fully reusable launch vehicle. Stennis tesisindeki ilk test Raptor motorunun bileşenlerinin ayrı ayrı test edilimesiyle sınırlı olacaktır, çünkü Stennis tesisinin E-2 test alanındaki, 440 kN (1 milyon lbf) değerinde itki üretebilen test tablaları Raptor motorunun tamamını test edebilecek büyüklükte değildir. Beyond that, too much flow separation in Earth atmos", Elon Musk speech: Becoming a Multiplanet Species, "SpaceX metallurgy team has developed SX500 ...", "SpaceX CEO Elon Musk reveals photos of Starship's first completed Raptor engine", "SpaceX tests flight version of Raptor engine", "Raptor just achieved power level needed for Starship & Super Heavy", "Engine reached 172 mT & 257 bar chamber pressure with warm propellant", "Aiming for 4 weeks [until the first hopper test], which probably means 8 weeks, due to unforeseen issues", "Elon Musk released a photo of his latest rocket, and it already delivers on his promise of looking like liquid silver", "SpaceX just fired up the engine on its test Starship vehicle for the first time", "Starhopper conducts Raptor Static Fire test", "StarHopper enjoys second Raptor Static Fire! pompalama sistemi daha düşük basınç değerleri gerektirdiğinden, sistemin yaşam-süresi artmakta ve sisteme ağır zarar verebilecek arızaların riski de azalmaktadır. Équipé de trois moteurs Raptor, le prototype de Starship SN8 de SpaceX vient d’effectuer son premier vol test à 12,5 kilomètres d’altitude. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk showed off a holiday-themed Raptor engine “Christmas tree” with its very own star on top. [12] Chicago Maden Okulu (Chicago School of Mines) tarafından yayımlanan bir araştırmaya göre, Mars'tan metan üretme gibi in-situ kaynak kullanımı, uzay görevlerini teknik ve ekonomik açıdan daha uygulanabilir kılıyor ve tekrar-kullanılabilirliği mümkün hale getiriyor. [16] The first items tested were single Raptor injector elements,[64] various designs of high-volume gas injectors. [95], On December 9, 2020, three Raptor engines propelled Starship SN8 to an altitude of about 12.5km (41,000 ft) at the Boca Chica test facility. [82] Just four days later, the test engine achieved the power levels needed for use in SpaceX Starship. Elon Musk: yes", "Meant to say 200 AR for production vac engine. On 2 February 2021, Starship prototype SN9, basically similar vehicle as the SN8, was launched to an altitude of about 10 km (33,000ft). [14], SpaceX tarafından 2009 yılında ilk bahsedildiğinde, "Raptor" terimi özellikle yukarı-aşama motoru tasarımına uygulanmıştı [15] ve 2012 yılındaki resmi bildiriler o zaman için hala yukarı aşama motoru tasarımı olduğunu gösteriyordu[16]—ancak 2014 yılının başlarında SpaceX Raptor motorunun hem yeni ikinci aşamada, hem de Mars Koloni Taşıyıcısının büyük 10-metre-çaplı çekirdeğinde kullanılacağını doğrulamıştır. [81], On 3 February 2019, SpaceX performed the first test of a flight version engine. [29], Public information released in November 2012 indicated that SpaceX might have a family of Raptor-designated rocket engines in mind;[51] this was confirmed by SpaceX in October 2013. Elon Musk est en effet ravi. [91] On August 4, 2020 a single Raptor engine (SN27) propelled Starship prototype SN5 to an altitude of 150 metres (490 ft) in a replication of the earlier Starhopper flight; this was the first flight of a full-size Starship prototype vehicle. Une première mise à feu tonitruante C'est le tout premier test grandeur nature pour le moteur Raptor. [78], In the BFR update given in September 2018, Musk showed video of a 71-second hot fire test of a Raptor engine, and stated that "this is the Raptor engine that will power BFR, both the ship and the booster; it's the same engine. The engine is powered by cryogenic liquid methane and liquid oxygen (LOX), rather than the RP-1 kerosene and LOX used in SpaceX's prior Merlin and Kestrel rocket engines. [4] This achievement surpassed the 300 bar (30,000 kPa) record set by the RD-701 engine and set a new record for the highest pressure ever reached in a rocket engine combustion chamber. Still, non-trivial at 100,000 tons of thrust/year", "SpaceX: Elon Musk Teases Rapid, Cheap Raptor Production to Get to Mars Fast", "NASA-SpaceX testing partnership going strong", "Orbital ATK, SpaceX Win Air Force Propulsion Contracts", "Notes: Space Access'11: Thurs. 2011 Nisan ayı itibarıyla, SpaceX az sayıda da olsa bir kısım çalışanını, o zaman için hala fikir aşamasında kalmış olan LH2/LOX yakıtlı, Raptor yukarı-aşama motoru üzerinde düşük öncelikli olarak çalışmaları için atamıştı[7]. yanma odasındaki basıncı artırabilme özelliği sayesinde sistemin genel verimi artmaktadır, veya "daha soğuk gazlar kullanıldığından, genel bir aşamalı yanma motoru ile aynı verime ulaşıp kullanılan malzemeler üzerinde daha az fiziksel baskı uygulanmış oluyor, dolayısıyla malzemelerin yıpranma miktarları veya [motorun] ağırlığı azalıyor.". Malgré les images très impressionnantes, ce vol est une vraie réussite. [38][39], An advanced rocket engine design project named Raptor, burning hydrogen and oxygen propellants, was first publicly discussed by SpaceX's Max Vozoff at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Commercial Crew/Cargo symposium in 2009. Ces derniers, développés actuellement, fonctionnent au méthane et à l’oxygène liquides (le moteur Raptor du lanceur Starship de SpaceX a depuis suivi le même choix). 76 hot fire tests of the preburner, totaling some 400 seconds of test time, were executed from April–August 2015. Both streams—oxidizer and fuel—will be mixed completely in the gas phase before they enter the combustion chamber. A horizontal translation and descent onto a nearby landing pad concluded the roughly 1 minute flight. BFR was a 9 m (30 ft)-diameter launch vehicle. Looks like a little over 230 metric tons (~500 klbf) of thrust per engine, but we will have a lot of them :)", "Battle of the Heavyweight Rockets -- SLS could face Exploration Class rival", "ULA To Invest in Blue Origin Engine as RD-180 Replacement", "SpaceX to test methane rocket engine in Miss", "NASA Moving Forward on Test Stand Upgrades for SLS Core Stage Testing", GPU'lar Mars'a: SpaceX'in Mars Roket Motorunun tam ölçekli benzetimi (simülasyon), https://tr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Raptor_(roket_motoru)&oldid=24536395, Yinelenen şablon değişkenleri kullanan sayfalar, URL adresi olmayan erişimtarihli kaynak kullanan sayfalar, Kırmızı bağlantıya sahip ana madde şablonu içeren maddeler, Creative Commons Atıf-BenzerPaylaşım Lisansı, Methane/LOX Oksijen bakımından zengin aşamalı-yanma, RP-1/LOX Oksijen bakımından zengin aşamalı-yanma, geleneksel motor tasarımlarında muhtemel arıza noktası olan, yakıt-oksitleyici türbinindeki. [72][73] On the 27th he clarified that 150 expansion ratio was for the development version, that the production vacuum version would have an expansion ratio of 200. [22] It performed an initial 9-second firing test on 26 September 2016, the day before Musk's talk at the International Aeronautical Congress. In reporting during the two weeks following the Musk ITS launch vehicle reveal on 27 September, NASASpaceFlight reported that the development engine was only one-third the size of any of the several larger engine designs that were discussed for the later flight vehicles. Both Merlin & Raptor could throttle way lower with added design complexity", "Raptor engine just reached 330 bar chamber pressure without exploding! [44] They indicated that details on a new SpaceX rocket would be forthcoming in "one to three years" and that the large engine was intended for the next-generation launch vehicle using multiple of these large engines, that would be expected to launch payload masses of the order of 150 to 200 tonnes (150,000 to 200,000 kg; 330,000 to 440,000 lb) to low Earth orbit, exceeding the payload mass capability of the NASA Space Launch System. Geliştirme programının daha sonraki bahsi 2011 yılı içerisinde gerçekleşmiştir[8]. [40] As of April 2011[update], SpaceX had a small number of staff working on the Raptor upper-stage engine, then still a LH2/LOX concept, at a low level of priority. Cite error: A list-defined reference named "spacex-itspresentation201609" is not used in the content (see the help page). [38] Neither the Air Force nor SpaceX subsequently published any results of this non-Starship oriented rocket engine contract. As of September 2017[update], the first version of the flight engine is intended to operate at a chamber pressure of 250 bars (25 MPa; 3,600 psi), with the intent to raise it to 300 bars (30 MPa; 4,400 psi) at a later time. [58] Earlier information had estimated the design Isp under vacuum conditions as only 363 s (3,560 m/s). Raptor (Türkçe: Yırtıcı Kuş),SpaceX tarafından geliştirilen, Kriyojenik metan-yakıtlı roket motorları ailesinin ilk üyesidir.Özel olarak, SpaceX süper-ağır fırlatma araçlarının yüksek verimli aşağı ve yukarı aşamalarında kullanılması hedeflenmektedir. Plein la vue. 2014 Ağustos ayında, SpaceX Stennis tesisinde test edilen ilk bileşenlerin yüksek-hacimli gaz enjektörleri olduğunu açıklamıştır. [62] By August 2015, an Elon Musk statement surfaced that indicated the oxidizer to fuel ratio of the engine would be approximately 3.8 to 1. Dev will be up to 150. [16] However, in March 2014 SpaceX COO Gwynne Shotwell clarified that the focus of the new engine development program is exclusively on the full-size Raptor engine; smaller subscale methalox engines were not planned on the development path to the very large Raptor engine. 2014 Şubat ayında, SpaceX roket motoru geliştirme bölümünün başı olan Tom Mueller, bir konuşması sırasında Raptor motorunun; dokuz adet motorunun " yaklaşık 100 ton kadar kargoyu Mars'a götürebilecek" olan bir araçta kullanılmak üzere tasarlandığını ve 4400 kN (1 milyon lbf) itki üretebilen roketin daha önce duyurulduğundan çok daha kuvvetli olacağını açığa vurmuştur. 42 of these sea-level engines were envisioned in the high-level design of the first stage, with a thrust per engine of 3,050 kN (690,000 lbf) at sea level and 3,285 kN (738,000 lbf) in vacuum.