The remaining two satellites were intended to be quickly removed from orbit and re-enter the atmosphere in order to test the satellite de-orbiting process; the three that lost contact were also expected to re-enter, but will do so passively from atmospheric drag as SpaceX was no longer able to actively control them. Because the Starlink satellites can autonomously change their orbits, observations cannot be scheduled to avoid them. [62], Los MicroSat 1a y 1b estaban originalmente programados para ser lanzados en órbitas circulares de 625 km con una inclinación de aproximadamente 86,4 grados, e iban a incluir videocámaras pancromáticas para filmar imágenes de la Tierra.[63]. [7] The SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond, Washington houses the Starlink research, development, manufacturing, and orbit control. More recent satellites have visors to block sunlight from reflecting from parts of the satellite to reduce its albedo further. Aplazado por medio mes debido a la, Una misión Starlink llevará por primera vez una carga secundaria: tres satélites SkySat, de. [7], By October 2016, SpaceX had developed the initial satellites that they hoped to launch and test in 2017, but the satellite division was focusing on a significant business challenge of achieving a sufficiently low-cost design for the user equipment, aiming for something that ostensibly can be installed easily at end-user premises for approximately US$200. [8][9] El lanzamiento de los primeros 60 satélites se llevó a cabo el 23 de mayo de 2019, y se espera que el inicio de operaciones comerciales de la constelación empiece en el año 2020. [168][169] While specifics of the phased array technologies have been disclosed as part of the frequency application, SpaceX enforced confidentiality regarding details of the optical inter-satellite links. SpaceX subsequently fixed an issue with its paging system that had disrupted emails between ESA and SpaceX. En su lugar, se conectará a terminales de usuario del tamaño de una caja de pizza, que tendrán antenas en fase y rastrearán a los satélites. Llamada «constelación de banda V en órbita terrestre baja» (VLEO), consistiría en 7.518 satélites para seguir la propuesta anterior de 4.425 satélites que funcionarían en las bandas Ka y Ku. [157] In October 2015, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell indicated that while development continues, the business case for the long-term rollout of an operational satellite network was still in an early phase. [58], In June 2020, SpaceX applied in the United States for use of the E-band in the Gen2 constellation. Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX[2][3] providing satellite Internet access. Still no satellites deorbited: all 60 still being tracked", "First 60 SpaceX Starlink satellites loaded into Falcon fairing. [27], SpaceX presentó documentos a la FCC a fines de 2017, para aclarar su plan de mitigación de desechos espaciales. La compañía necesitaría de una aprobación por separado por parte de la UIT. Starlink es una empresa que nació como proyecto de SpaceX para la creación de una constelación de satélites de internet[1] con el objetivo de brindar un servicio de internet de banda ancha, baja latencia y cobertura mundial a bajo coste. Además, SpaceX ha indicado que el flujo de caja positivo de la venta de servicios de Internet por satélite sería necesario para financiar los planes de la compañía en futuras misiones hacia, y en, Marte. [41] Also in November 2018, SpaceX made new regulatory filings with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to request the ability to alter its previously granted license in order to operate approximately 1,600 of the 4,425 Ka-/Ku-band satellites approved for operation at 1,150 km (710 mi) in a "new lower shell of the constellation" at only 550 km (340 mi)[42] orbital altitude. [20], In February 2015, SpaceX asked the FCC to consider future innovative uses of the Ka-band spectrum before the FCC commits to 5G communications regulations that would create barriers to entry, since SpaceX is a new entrant to the satellite communications market. SpaceX submitted an application to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposing to operate more satellites in lower orbits in the first phase than the FCC previously authorized. La FCC ha establecido un plazo de seis años para que se despliegue una constelación completa para cumplir con los términos de la licencia. The FCC approved the request in April 2019, giving approval to place nearly 12,000 satellites in three orbital shells: initially approximately 1,600 in a 550 km (340 mi) - altitude shell, and subsequently placing approximately 2,800 Ku- and Ka-band spectrum satellites at 1,150 km (710 mi) and approximately 7,500 V-band satellites at 340 km (210 mi). Symbol † indicates failed missions and destroyed vehicles. [11] SpaceX started a private beta service in the Northern United States in August 2020[12] and a public beta in October 2020,[13] service beginning at high latitudes between 44° and 52° North. Here's what worked, and what didn't", "SpaceX Starlink Impresses Air Force Weapons Buyer In Big Live-Fire Exercise", "SpaceX founder files with government to provide Internet service from space", "Starlink Discussion National Academy Of Sciences", "SpaceX to ramp up Vandenberg launch cadence with Starlink missions", "Latest Starlink Satellites Equipped with Laser Communications, Musk Confirms", "SpaceX looks to build next-generation Starlink internet satellites after launching 1,000 so far", "Samsung Wants To Blanket The Earth In Satellite Internet", "Telesat to announce manufacturing plans for LEO constellation in coming months", "Amazon wants to launch thousands of satellites so it can offer broadband internet from space", "Amazon cloud business reaches into space with satellite connection service", "Panasonic Avionics' surprising conversion into a satellite mega-constellation believer", "After SpaceX Starlink Launch, a Fear of Satellites That Outnumber All Visible Stars", "The unexpected brightness of new satellites could ruin the night sky", "SpaceX's Starlink Could Change The Night Sky Forever, And Astronomers Are Not Happy", "IAU's statement on satellite constellations", "Statement on Starlink and "Constellations" of Communication Satellites", "SKAO needs corrective measures from satellite "mega-constellation" operators to minimise impact on its telescopes - Public Website", "Starlink Satellites Imaged from CTIO — IOTW1946", "Sightings of SpaceX's Starlink satellites spark awe — and astronomical angst", "If predictions are correct that 400–500 Starlink satellites about that bright will also be visible *all the time*", "Musk's offhand "they can't be seen at night" is not true or reassuring", "Even if they were only visible at dusk and dawn as claimed, they would still affect our data because we take calibrations then", "At midsummer midnight in Seattle, I estimate about 500 of them will both be above the horizon and directly illuminated by the sun", "Sent a note to Starlink team last week specifically regarding albedo reduction. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has plans to beam internet from space to moving vehicles starting later this year. [40], El tráfico de Internet a través de un satélite geoestacionario tiene una latencia teórica mínima de al menos 477ms desde el usuario al satélite pero, en la práctica, esta latencia es de 600ms o más. [33] También consolidaron todas sus operaciones en el área de Seattle con un traslado al Redmond Ridge Corporate Center,[33] dejando las instalaciones en las que habían comenzado en 2015. SpaceX had previously been approved to receive US$886 million for a commitment to provide service to 642,925 locations in 35 states as part of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF). Starlink satellites are orbiting at .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1⁄105 to 1⁄30 of the height of geostationary orbits, and thus offer more practical Earth-to-sat latencies of around 25 to 35 ms, comparable to existing cable and fiber networks. [223][224] Despite these measures, astronomers found that the satellites were still too bright thus making DarkSat essentially a "dead end. UU. For other uses, see. La órbita de despliegue de los satélites será de 386 x 212 km en lugar de los usuales ~290 kilómetros circulares. † denotes failed missions, destroyed vehicles, and abandoned sites. How these versions differ from v1.0 has not been made public as of March 2021[update]. [170] Early satellites are launched without laser links, in October 2019 SpaceX expected satellites with these links to be ready by the end of 2020. The modified plan submitted to the FCC by SpaceX foresees Ku-band and Ka-band satellites in the next phase of the Starlink network all operated at altitudes between 540 km (340 mi) and 570 km (350 mi) at inclinations of 53.2°, 70.0° and 97.6°. [8][69] En octubre de 2018, SpaceX confirmó que los satélites de prueba funcionaban como se esperaba y anunció mediados de 2019 como fecha objetivo para los lanzamientos iniciales de la constelación. [158], With the initial launch of the first 60 satellites of the operational constellation in 2019, SpaceX indicated that it would require 420 satellites in the constellation to achieve minor broadband coverage of Earth, and 780 of the first circa 1,600 to provide moderate coverage. [61] SpaceX is producing approximately 120 satellites a month. Definitely peer-to-peer", "High winds scrub SpaceX launch of 60 Starlink internet relay satellites", "SpaceX's Starlink satellite lawyers refute latest "flawed" OneWeb critique", "Everything is slow to a phased array antenna", "Dishy McFlatface to become "fully mobile," allowing Starlink use away from home", "Teardown of "Dishy McFlatface," the SpaceX Starlink user terminal", "SpaceX Starlink beta arrives in the UK, sets sights on rest of Europe and Australia", "SpaceX to test Starlink terminals on ships", "SpaceX plans to start offering Starlink broadband services in 2020", "The Air Force tested its Advanced Battle Management System. [18], In November 2016, SpaceX filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a "non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellite system in the Fixed-Satellite Service using the Ku- and Ka- frequency bands". [68] The Free Press advocacy group called the award to Starlink "another Hyperloop-style boondoggle", showing examples of territory awarded to Starlink in New York City, a strip mall near McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, and other urban blocks that were labelled as underserved by the FCC. Kang, Cecilia; Davenport, Christian (9 de junio de 2015). [49], In June 2019, SpaceX applied to the FCC for a license to test up to 270 ground terminals – 70 nationwide across the United States and 200 in Washington (state) at SpaceX employee homes[50][51] – and aircraft-borne antenna operation from four distributed United States airfields; as well as five ground-to-ground test locations. Forty-five satellites had reached their final orbital altitude of 550 km (340 mi), five were still raising their orbits, and another five were undergoing systems checks before they raise their orbits. [185], In September 2020, SpaceX applied for permission to put terminals on 10 of its ships. This page was last edited on 5 May 2021, at 15:24. [34], With plans by several providers to build commercial space-Internet mega-constellations of thousands of satellites increasingly likely to become a reality, the U.S. military began to perform test studies in 2018 to evaluate how the networks might be used. Part of Transporter-1 (SmallSat Rideshare Mission 1). [47][48] Si bien los detalles de la tecnología de las antenas se ha divulgado como parte de la solicitud de frecuencias, SpaceX buscó la confidencialidad con respecto a los detalles de los enlaces ópticos entre satélites, salvo en el hecho de que utilizarán frecuencias por encima de 10.000 GHz. La regla tradicional e histórica para la regulación de satélites de comunicaciones ha sido que los operadores podrían lanzar un solo satélite para cumplir con la fecha límite impuesta por el regulador, una política que permitiría a un operador bloquear el uso del valioso espectro durante años, sin desplegar su flota completa. En el plan de marzo de 2017, se contempló que SpaceX lance satélites de prueba tanto en 2017 como en 2018, y comience a lanzar los satélites de la constelación ya operativos en 2019. The reduction in g-band magnitude is 0.8 magnitude (55%). [232], The NRECA criticized the funding allocation because Starlink will include service to locations — such as Harlem and terminals at Newark Liberty International Airport and Miami International Airport — that are not rural, and because SpaceX will build the infrastructure and serve any customers who request service with or without the FCC subsidy. [20] Musk publicly acknowledged that business reality, and indicated in mid-2015 that while endeavoring to develop this technically complicated space-based communication system he wanted to avoid overextending the company, and stated that they are being measured in their pace of development. [56], Pese al optimismo en SpaceX de obtener reducciones notables en la magnitud del satélite con el recubrimiento, un estudio realizado desde un observatorio en Chile arrojó una reducción del brillo del llamado DarkSat (en español, «satélite oscuro») de un 55% respecto a otro satélite sin el tratamiento. Musk said, "We're going to try and do for satellites what we've done for rockets". They demonstrated Starlink connected to a "variety of air and terrestrial assets" including the Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker. [41][42], En febrero de 2015, analistas financieros cuestionaron a los operadores de satélites geosincrónicos de comunicaciones en cuanto a cómo pretenden responder a la amenaza que representará la inminente competencia de los satélites en órbita baja de SpaceX, Google y OneWeb. La red de satélites fue anunciada públicamente por SpaceX en enero de 2015, con una capacidad proyectada de hasta el 10% de la banda ancha de Internet utilizada en grandes ciudades. The first phase will still include 1,440 satellites in the first shell orbiting at 550 km (340 mi) in planes inclined 53.0°,[10] with no change to the first shell of the constellation launched largely in 2020. Two prototype test-flight satellites were launched in February 2018. Según las presentaciones ante la FCC[64] estaban destinados a elevarse a una órbita de 1125 km, la altitud operativa para parte de los satélites StarLink. SpaceX can also have business operation and economic considerations that may make a difference in which countries Starlink service is offered, in which order, and how soon. En mayo de 2018, SpaceX calculó que el costo total del desarrollo y la construcción de la constelación se acercará a los 10.000 millones USD.[32]. Second, price. The new approval was for the addition of a very-low Earth orbit non-geostationary satellite orbit constellation, consisting of 7,518 satellites operating at altitudes from 335 km (208 mi) to 346 km (215 mi), below the ISS. [216] Many professional astronomers have disputed these claims based on initial observation of the Starlink v0.9 satellites on the first launch, shortly after their deployment from the launch vehicle. [177] However, no details on this have been released as of yet. También en noviembre, SpaceX realizó presentaciones reglamentarias ante la FCC. The satellites were launched by a Falcon 9 rocket, and they were piggy-pack payloads launching with the Paz satellite. SpaceX plans to sell some of the satellites for military,[6] scientific, or exploratory purposes. (23 de febrero de 2015). Does Starlink Pose a Space Debris Threat? [30], The first two test satellites built were not flown but were used in ground testing. [40], In May 2018, SpaceX expected the total cost of development and buildout of the constellation to approach US$10 billion. [70], El 23 de mayo de 2019, se lanzaron los primeros 60 satélites de producción completa de la constelación.[10]. Early designs had all phase 1 satellites in altitudes of around 1100–1300 km. Full build-out of the approximately 1,200 km (750 mi) constellation of around 4,440 satellites was not then expected to be completed until 2024. The change will also improve service for U.S. government users in polar regions and allow for more rapid deployment of the network, SpaceX said. [20] The company operated in 2,800 m2 (30,000 sq ft) of leased space by late 2016, and by January 2017 had taken on a 2,800 m2 (30,000 sq ft) second facility, both in Redmond. "[75], In March 2021, SpaceX put an application into FCC for mobile variations of their terminal for vehicles, vessels and aircraft. We'll get a better sense of value of this when satellites have raised orbits and arrays are tracking to sun", "If we need to tweak sat orientation to minimize solar reflection during critical astronomical experiments, that's easily done", "SpaceX's Dark Satellites Are Still Too Bright for Astronomers", "A Sky Brightness Model for the Starlink "Visorsat" Spacecraft", "SpaceX's Starlink Could Cause Cascades of Space Junk". [212][213][214], On 20 November 2019, the four-meter Blanco telescope of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) recorded strong signal loss and the appearance of 19 white lines on a DECam shot (left image). Tight fit.», «Much will likely go wrong on 1st mission. An October 2020 analysis found them to be marginally fainter than DarkSat. The lower orbits will help ensure the satellites re-enter the atmosphere in a shorter time in case of failure and will enable them to broadcast signals at reduced power levels, because they are closer to Earth, which SpaceX said will allow the fleet to be compliant with limits to reduce radio interference with other satellite and terrestrial wireless networks. The generation 2 Starlink constellation is expected to include up to 30,000 satellites and provide complete global coverage. La misión ha sido llamada Starlink 3. SpaceX argued that this change could bring coverage to the southern United States in time for the 2020 hurricane season. Khan, Farooq (2015). [21], Se espera que los satélites de comunicación de Internet sean de clase pequeña, entre 100 y 500 kg de masa, que inicialmente estaban destinados a estar en órbita baja a una altitud de aproximadamente 1.100 kilómetros. SpaceX would need to obtain a separate approval from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Starlink is a little pricey. [86], In February 2021, Musk stated that the satellites are traveling on 25 orbital planes clustered between 53° north and south of the equator. Here's what we know", "Shotwell says SpaceX "homing in" on cause of Falcon 9 pad explosion", "Elon Musk and Richard Branson invest in satellite-Internet ventures", "SpaceX adds a big new lab to its satellite development operation in Seattle area", "SpaceX reorganizes Starlink satellite operation, reportedly with high-level firings", "SpaceX expands to new 8000 sqft office space in Orange County, California", "How SpaceX Plans to Test Its Satellite Internet Service in 2016", "FCC Selected Application Listing File Number=SATLOA2016111500118", "FCC gets five new applications for non-geostationary satellite constellations", "SpaceX asks FCC to make exception for LEO constellations in Connect America Fund decisions", "SpaceX Wants to Launch 12,000 Satellites", "SpaceX plans to launch first Internet-providing satellites in 2019", "SpaceX's Patricia Cooper: 2 demo sats launching in next few months, then constellation deployment in 2019. [176] The system will use a peer-to-peer protocol claimed to be "simpler than IPv6", it will also incorporate end-to-end encryption natively. A Spectacular view of the SpaceX Starlink satellite train! [19] Las ofertas de trabajo de SpaceX indicaban que la oficina incluiría procesamiento de señales, RFIC y desarrollo ASIC para el programa satelital. Los terminales se pueden montar en cualquier lugar, siempre que puedan ver el cielo. [79], The deployment of the first 1,440 satellites will be into 72 orbital planes of 20 satellites each,[10] with a requested lower minimum elevation angle of beams to improve reception: 25° rather than the 40° of the other two orbital shells. Se estima que dicho observatorio se vería perjudicado por las megaconstelaciones —con Starlink como protagonista— en un rango de entre 30% a 40% de sus observaciones durante varias horas de la noche. [5][7] CEO Elon Musk said that there is significant unmet demand for low-cost global broadband capabilities. This image noise was correlated to the transit of a Starlink satellite train, launched a week earlier. Los satélites orbitan en una órbita baja circular a unos 500 km de altitud[65] en una órbita de alta inclinación durante un plazo planificado de entre seis y doce meses. [3][6] El CEO, Elon Musk, sostiene que hay una importante demanda insatisfecha para conexiones de banda ancha de bajo costo a nivel global. [13] Musk ha reconocido esto públicamente, y señaló a mediados de 2015 que, mientras se esfuerza por desarrollar este sistema de comunicación basado en el espacio, que resulta técnicamente complicado, quiere evitar que la empresa se extienda demasiado y afirmó que están siendo cautelosos en función del ritmo del desarrollo. para desplegar 7.518 satélites de banda ancha, además de los 4.425 satélites que se habían aprobado anteriormente. We need a few more satellite launches to achieve compete coverage & some key software upgrades", "ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION AND ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION", "In April 2020 SpaceX submitted an application asking for approval to relocate shells 2-5 down to altitudes ranging from 540 km to 570 km. [51], El sistema si competirá con la constelación de satélites Iridium, que está diseñada para conectarse directamente a los teléfonos. Primeros en contar con enlaces láser entre satélites. A mediano plazo, la compañía espera que Starlink genere ingresos que serían útiles para financiar el proyecto de transporte de Marte. At the time, the Seattle-area office planned to initially hire approximately 60 engineers, and potentially 1000 people by 2018. [25][196], The 60 Starlink v0.9 satellites, launched in May 2019, have the following characteristics:[99], The Starlink v1.0 satellites, launched since November 2019, have the additional following characteristics:[citation needed], SpaceX is preparing for the production of Starlink v1.5 and v2.0 satellites in 2021. At the time of the June 2015 announcement, SpaceX had stated plans to launch the first two demonstration satellites in 2016,[25] but the target date was subsequently moved out to 2018. But Starlink is proving immensely popular, and growing fast-- in fact, just earlier this month, Musk opened up Starlink to widespread subscription in … [22], In November 2018, SpaceX received U.S. regulatory approval to deploy 7,518 broadband satellites, in addition to the 4,425 approved earlier. [172][173], The satellites will be mass-produced, at a much lower cost per unit of capability than previously existing satellites. [183][184], Limited reports from very early domestic beta users of the partial satellite constellation in August 2020 suggested users experienced download speeds from 11 Mbit/s to 60 Mbit/s, and upload speeds from 5 Mbit/s to 18 Mbit/s. Second stage failed to deorbit actively, reentered March 26 over Oregon and Washington in the United States. [190], MicroSat-1a and MicroSat-1b were originally slated to be launched into 625 km (388 mi) circular orbits at approximately 86.4° inclination, and to include panchromatic video imager cameras to film images of Earth and the satellite. [145], SpaceX intends to provide satellite internet connectivity to underserved areas of the planet, as well as provide competitively priced service in more urbanized areas. The third generation, with laser intersatellite links, is expected to begin being launched "in the next few months [and will be] much less expensive than earlier versions. Como carga secundaria, y al igual que en la misión Starlink-8, llevará tres satélites SkySat, de. [50] Como contraparte, al disminuir su reflectividad, las características de disipación térmica del satélite se verán perjudicadas a cierto nivel, por lo que notó que serán «pruebas de ensayo y error, pero eventualmente lo solucionarán». En agosto de 2019, SpaceX planeaba efectuar 4 lanzamientos durante el resto del año[72] y al menos 9 lanzamientos durante 2020. [25], Entre 2015 y 2017 surgió cierta controversia con las autoridades reguladoras sobre la licencia del espectro de comunicaciones para estas grandes constelaciones de satélites. [14][15], On 15 October 2019, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) submitted filings to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on SpaceX's behalf to arrange spectrum for 30,000 additional Starlink satellites to supplement the 12,000 Starlink satellites already approved by the FCC. In the event, the first large deployment of 60 satellites in May 2019 were 227 kg (500 lb)[99] and SpaceX decided to place the satellites at a relatively low 550 km (340 mi), due to concerns about the space environment. [59], By June 2020, SpaceX had filed with Canadian regulatory authorities for a license to offer Starlink high-speed Internet services in Canada. [33] By 2017, the FCC had set a six-year deadline to have an entire large constellation deployed to comply with licensing terms. The planned launch of two revised test satellites was then moved to 2018. [17], The communication satellite network SpaceX envisions was publicly announced in January 2015, with bandwidth to carry up to 50% of all backhaul communications traffic, and up to 10% of local Internet traffic, in high-density cities. The cost of the decade-long project to design, build, and deploy the constellation was estimated by SpaceX in May 2018 to be at least US$10 billion. "[225], On 17 April 2020, SpaceX wrote in a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) filing that it would test new methods of mitigating light pollution, and also provide access to satellite tracking data for astronomers to "better coordinate their observations with our satellites". The two identical satellites were called MicroSat-2a and MicroSat-2b[193] during development but were renamed Tintin A and Tintin B upon orbital deployment on 22 February 2018. Worst case, even if overestimated consumer desire for Starlink by 5%, that still suggests incumbent ISPs could lose as much as 46% of their business to Starlink. [43][44] These satellites would effectively operate in a third orbital shell, a 550 km (340 mi) orbit, while the higher and lower orbits at approximately 1,200 km (750 mi) and approximately 340 km (210 mi) would be used only later, once a considerably larger deployment of satellites becomes possible in the later years of the deployment process. UU. [215], SpaceX representatives and Musk have claimed that the satellites will have minimal impact, being easily mitigated by pixel masking and image stacking. [159], The initial version of Starlink was limited to working within a few miles of the customers' registered address. [6] Sin embargo, para 2017, los cambios de diseño obviaron a los dos satélites de prueba originales, y el lanzamiento de dos satélites revisados se había pospuesto para 2018. [6], Los satélites emplearán enlaces ópticos entre sí y antenas de haz en fase digitales en las bandas Ku y Ka, según los documentos presentados ante la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) de los Estados Unidos. [217][218][219][220] In later statements on Twitter, Musk stated that SpaceX will work on reducing the albedo of the satellites and will provide on-demand orientation adjustments for astronomical experiments, if necessary. * denotes unflown vehicles or engines, and future missions or sites. SpaceX asked to triple the number of orbital planes in the 550 km (340 mi) orbital shell, from 24 to 72, arguing that they could then place satellites into multiple planes from a single launch. En marzo, un juez del Condado de Orange negó múltiples solicitudes de órdenes de restricción de Broadcom. [66], On 6 November 2020, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada announced regulatory approval for the Starlink low Earth orbit satellite constellation.