Statistics Wing - National Statistical Organization (NSO) Central Statistics Office (CSO) National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) II. While this is all history, there were some important takeaways. It is a nodal Division for administering the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 and coordination of follow-up on the implementation of recommendations of NSC recommendations. It also provides technical guidance to states on matters of sample surveys including data processing and pooling of data. 23rd May 2019. The chief statistician has indicated that one major justification for joining the NSSO and CSO is that it will bring about administrative ease. Set your region for information that is tailored specifically for you! On May 23, the government announced that the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) will be merged with the Central Statistics Office to form the … There is not mentioned that Secretary to the Government of India who will head NSO, whether would act as a secretary to NSC or not. Two of them are the ISO and the CSO. It is being alleged that this move of the government is targeted at snatching away the autonomy of National Statistical Commission (NSC). But, one does not know the effectiveness of such an ease when a data generator and user are the same simultaneously. And then make sure you combine this person with complementary skills around him, because it is never black or white. The only major difference is that the NSSO undertakes fieldwork for all surveys and there is no fieldwork undertaken by CSO. Secondly, centralisation of data in the ministry can become a hurdle for quick and timely release of the data for public research and debate. The independence of NSSO-generated statistical information system is being questioned reverently – be it on estimates of unemployment rate or GDP growth rates. The role of a Chief Security Officer (CSO) is the top executive with responsibilities covering the entire security needs and challenges for a firm. Recently, the Indian Council of Social Science Research initiated a new programme called the Impactful Policy Research in Social Sciences. I. Third Revised Estimates with; a lag of 34 months on 31st January, Quarterly Estimates: Q1 (31st August); Q2 (30th November); Q3 (28th February) and Q4 (31st May), CPI with a lag of 12 days on 12th of every month, IIP with a lag of 12 days on 12th of every month. But the degree of independence of statistical data generation system continued. The CSO is located in Delhi. Additionally, the CSO is responsible for communicating these … In the case of vegetables, not only the difference between the NSSO and NAS estimates were smaller but also the former was higher than latter in 1993-94 (NSSO-CSO, 2005). First Advance Estimates; in advance before the completion of FY; released on 7th January or previous working day if 7th is a holiday. Both have similar roles but focus on different metrics. CISO means Chief Information Security Officer. While the NSSO’s main purpose was to feed information for the national planning process of the governments, this second objective cushioned and promoted policy-oriented research outcomes from outside the government. It is really very helpful for us. In addition to the non-official Chairman, the Steering Committee is composed of academicians, data users from Central and State Government Departments and senior officers of the Ministry. The Programme Implementation Wing has three Divisions, namely, (i) Twenty Point Programme (ii) Infrastructure Monitoring and Project Monitoring and (iii) Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme. Civil societies require NGOs to carry out the interests of the public. The NSSO has a rich history: it was established in 1950 at the instance of the doyen of statistics in those yesteryears of new independent India, professor P.C. These surveys are conducted in the form of rounds extending normally over a period of one year though in certain cases the survey period was six months. Central Statistics Office (CSO) and National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) have been merged into National Statistical Office w.e.f. It also p. Your email address will not be published. CSO/SSO National Strategy CSO Control Strategy revised in 1994 to: – provide guidance to stakeholders (permitting and enforcement agencies, permittees) – increase coordination among agencies – increase public involvement CSO/SSO National Strategy Key Principles of 1994 Revisions: – Clearly identify levels of control that are presumed One already finds some evidence along these lines while looking at a few of India’s social science journals. The rationale for Merger: Both CSO and NSSO work under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). Grant-in-aid for research, workshop/seminars/conferences in Official/Applied Statistics, National Data Bank (NDB) on socio-religious categories, Basic Statistics for Local Level Development (BSLLD) Pilot scheme. Besides these surveys, it also collects data on rural and urban prices and data for Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), and plays a significant role in the improvement of crop statistics through supervision of the area enumeration and crop estimation surveys of the State agencies. Disadvantage(s) of compressing an ISO to a CSO: 1. Difference between CSO and NSSO Share with your friends. Subsequently, the NSSO came under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. 23rd May 2019. Gopal K. Kadekodi is Hon. Earlier known as the Central Statistics Organisation of India, CSO is responsible for the coordination of statistical activities in India, and evolving and maintaining statistical standards. * However, the difference between the value of the stock at exercise and the exercise price is an item of adjustment for purposes of the alternative minimum tax. The NSSO now also has an Industrial Statistics Wing, namely, the IS Wing, which is located at Kolkata. The NSSO is headed by the Director-General and Chief Executive Officer (DG&CEO), who is also the Member-Secretary of the Steering Committee. 2. It publishes. Image Courtesy of The Statistics Wing called the National Statistical Organisation (NSO) consists of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). A recent example of such trouble was the recent non-availability of, It could be that the government is not keen on such research outside the government – as can be seen from the variety of reports coming from the NITI Aayog, or the views of the HRD ministry, which has, to carry out research mainly on matters of national interest. Second Advance Estimates: in advance before the completion of FY; release on 28th February or last working day in February. You have and need a CSO? First Revised Estimates; with a lag of 10 months on 31st January. Therefore, ISO was probably built first before the CSO. While the NSSO conducts large-scale surveys and brings out reports on health, education, household expenditure and other social and economic indicators. annually. It collects primary data through nation-wide household surveys on various socio-economic subjects. – be it on estimates of unemployment rate or GDP growth rates. The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), Lack of Jobs May Not be Govt’s Fault Alone, But Denying Data on It Certainly Is. In universities, research institutions, public sector and private sector units and multilateral international agencies. NSSO-CSO Merger: What Will the Centralisation of Indian Statistics Bring With It? The independence of NSSO-generated statistical information system. . Secondly, centralisation of data in the ministry can become a hurdle for quick and timely release of the data for public research and debate. It takes up smaller space in your memory stick thus allowing you to have more space in your memory stick for future uses. The IS Wing was earlier under CSO. Create the right role for the current state of your business. The NSSO would feed analysed data on various indicators such as savings and consumption patterns, unemployment, rural and urban prices, industrial production, land use patterns, land holdings, crop yield information, several demographic information and many others. On 23rd May 2019, the Government of India has approved the merger of NSSO and CSO. There are critical differences between a CSO and a CRO. Planners were able to liberally and effectively use NSSO data in the construction of input-output models of development for setting up growth targets, or estimating poverty lines and reduction in poverty rates, design of public investment rates based on estimates of savings rates and so on. One can only imagine the sad fate of thousands of researchers who are dependent on such macro and micro-level data for their socio-economic analyses. Primary data could be obtained from NSSO on digital basis for such studies. The NSSO functions under the overall direction of a Steering Committee with requisite independence and autonomy in the matter of collection, processing, and publication of NSS data. It could be that the government is not keen on such research outside the government – as can be seen from the variety of reports coming from the NITI Aayog, or the views of the HRD ministry, which has asked people to carry out research mainly on matters of national interest. 5. CISO vs CSO: Meaning. Despite the terms ‘civil society’ and ‘CSOs’ often being used synonymously, there is a fundamental difference between the two, which many of us fail to understand. Govt clears restructuring of statistical system, proposes NSSO, CSO merger The order states that the proposed NSO would be headed by Secretary (Statistics and Programme Implementation), but skips any mention of National Statistical Commission (NSC), which has been the overseeing body for all the statistical work done in the country. There is nothing removed from an ISO file to make it a CSO file. The CSO is headed by a Director-General. The CSO is headed by the Director-General who is assisted by Five additional Director-Generals and four Deputy Director-Generals, six Joint Directors, seven special task officers, thirty deputy directors, 48 assistant directors and other supporting staff. CSO and NSSO have been merged. Statistical System In India. In order to streamline and strengthen the nodal functions of MoSPI with respect to Indian Official Statistics System and to bring in more synergy by integrating its administrative functions within the Ministry, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) have been merged into National Statistical Office w.e.f. The main task of CISOs is to track and assess the threats facing the firm. The major activities of the NSSO pertain to Survey Design, Field Operations, Processing of data collected and releasing of the results based on surveys. This publication caters to the needs of the Planners, Policy-makers, and Researchers by making available the energy data at a single place. In recent times, things have changed. Apart from questions over the fate of research outside the government, it also remains to be seen whether the government agencies will get sufficient time to digest and use the rich data being generated by the NSSO. Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoS&PI) MOS&PI has two Wings. Professor, Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research, Dharwad, Karnataka. Professor Mahalanobis personally used to supervise this process. Summary: 1.ISO is an archived image file format and CSO is the compressed version of the ISO files. The spirit of independence of this statistical data gathering system continued till 1972. This job is one of the most newly established organizational positions. National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) Becomes National Statistical Office (NSO) The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) merged with the Central Statistical Office (CSO) to form the National Statistical Office (NSO). Its activities include National Income Accounting; conduct of Annual Survey of Industries, Economic Censuses and its follow up surveys, compilation of Index of Industrial Production, as well as Consumer Price Indices, Gender Statistics, imparting training on Official Statistics, Five Year Plan work relating to Development of Statistics in the States and Union Territories; dissemination of statistical information, work relating to trade, energy, construction, and environment statistics, revision of National Industrial Classification, etc.