[77] The re-run election was won by the same candidate, this time running under the AKP banner. Following the election of the 27th Parliament of Turkey on 24 June 2018, the AKP government publicly announced its intention to bring the local elections forward from March 2019 to November 2018. Outre une économie en berne, le Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) s’est heurté à un front uni de l’opposition, le Parti républicain du peuple (CHP, centre gauche) et le Bon Parti (IYI, droite nationaliste) présentant un candidat commun dans les grandes villes. Turquie – Élections municipales à Istanbul (06.05.19) Partager. Ces élections municipales en Turquie, qui concernent 81 villes et quelque 1000 villages, sont le dernier scrutin prévu avant 2023. L’occasion d’une évaluation des rapports de forces politiques. On 2 June, elections were repeated in the Honaz district of Denizli Province, the Yusufeli district of Artvin Province, the Keskin district of Kırıkkale Province and the town of Kesmetepe, within the district of Besni in Adıyaman Province. Vous ne pouvez lire Le Monde que sur un seul appareil à la fois (ordinateur, téléphone ou tablette). Crédit Photo. Elections municipales en Turquie : Erdogan essuie un revers électoral à Ankara et Istanbul. [24], In addition to removal on the grounds of national security, a number of mayors have been removed from office on corruption charges. [16] Although the opposition claimed they were ready for a local election, they did not publicly back the government's call. L’opposition turque retient son souffle à l’approche des élections municipales d’Istanbul du 23 juin. Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan . [5] The use of video footage of the Christchurch terrorist attack by AKP leader and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during his election rallies additionally received international condemnation and caused diplomatic relations between Turkey and New Zealand to sour. Cette année j’ai la chance de participer aux élections municipales en Turquie. [76], The town (belde) of Demirci, in the district of Gülağaç in Aksaray Province, held re-run elections on 21 July 2019. [28], On 23 September 2017, Istanbul Mayor Kadir Topbaş, in office since 2004, resigned. –, la liberté d’expression, le problème kurde. The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) came second, winning control of İzmir, Turkey's third largest city. This result was made public after a blackout, by which point the CHP candidate was up by more than 24,000 votes. Pour la première fois depuis de nombreuses années, le parti du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan pourrait se … Ce travail s’appuie sur les revenus complémentaires de la publicité et de l’abonnement. Despite initial mixed signals, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli announced in September 2018 that he intended to support AKP candidates in key races and continue the alliance into the local election. The 2019 local elections were the second to be held following the 2013 Turkish local government reorganisation, which merged several municipalities and substantially reduced the number of councillors and mayors elected. [68][69] In other districts violence between AKP party and opposition broke out[70] during the day of the elections and in the following week.[71]. [45], On 18 December 2018, the CHP and İyi Party's joint candidate in Ankara was announced to be Mansur Yavaş, who narrowly lost to the AKP's candidate Melih Gökçek in the 2014 local election amid allegations of fraud. These can be viewed here. [44], The Nation Alliance was the main opposition alliance during the 2018 general election, being formed by the CHP, the İyi Party, the Democrat Party and the Felicity Party. M. Jé. [29] This was followed by Düzce Mayor Mehmet Keleş on 2 October. [53], On 6 January, the Mayor of the CHP-held Istanbul district of Adalar publicised some research into the changes in his district's electoral roll between the 24 June 2018 elections and 2019, where the number of voters substantially increased by 7% in the space of six months. Son avenir dépend de ce scrutin. Les élections municipales turques de 2019 ( 2019 Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Yerel Yönetimler Seçimi) se sont tenues le 31 mars 2019 en Turquie afin d'élire 20 500 conseillers municipaux et 1 251 conseillers provinciaux ainsi que 30 maires métropolitains et 1 351 maires de districts municipaux . Nevertheless, AKP leader and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan claimed victory, announcing that the People's Alliance had secured over 50% of the vote and thus maintained support from the majority of the electorate (final results actually gave the People's Alliance just under 50%, while the Nation Alliance won 38%). Le 31 mars prochain des élections municipales se tiendront en Turquie. [78], The town (belde) of Suvarlı, in the district of Besni in Adıyaman Province held re-run elections on 4 August 2019. Likewise, the Republican People's Party (CHP) and the İYİ Party entered some of the races under the Nation Alliance banner. A total of 30 metropolitan and 1,351 district municipal mayors, alongside 1,251 provincial and 20,500 municipal councillors were elected, in addition to numerous local non-partisan positions such as neighbourhood wardens (muhtars) and elderly people's councils. Provinces in bold denote metropolitan municipalities. Le Premier ministre Recep Tayyip Erdogan a proclamé dimanche 30 mars sa victoire totale aux élections municipales en Turquie. Turquie : le partenaire électoral d'Erdogan met fin à leur alliance. Des élections municipales sur fond de révision constitutionnelle. Erdogan and AKP break its silence on Uyghurs, who share cultural and linguistic similarities with other Turkic ethnic groups but suffered long-time mistreatment by China as facing pressure from the ruling coalition Nationalist Movement Party and opposition parties such as İyi Party, Felicity Party, Great Union Party. Les résultats partiels des élections municipales en Turquie sonnent comme un revers inédit en 16 ans de pouvoir pour le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "İYİ Party, which has been encountering many difficulties and tricks, is going through another hoop today. : Non, il ne s’agit pas d’un écran de fumée. 2018", "Kahraman: Erken yerel seçim Anayasa'ya uygun değil", "Türkiye'de kaç tane ilçe, kaç tane belediye, kaç tane köy vardır? Même si encore incomplets, les résultats montrent ainsi une mobilisation en faveur des partis de l’opposition dans plusieurs villes importantes. The elections resulted in numerous allegations of electoral fraud, as well as re-runs in districts such as Yalova and Ağrı where recounts and fraud allegations failed to return a decisive winner. In August 2018, it was announced that the existing relationship between the HDP and DBP, where the latter would contest Kurdish populated regions, would be abandoned and the HDP would contest the election throughout the whole country. During the election campaign, the two parties were joined by the Great Union Party (BBP) and stated that the alliance would last until the next general elections 2023. [32] On 27 October, Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek resigned after weeks of unsuccessful negotiations with Erdoğan to retain his office. Turquie : le parti au pouvoir en tête dans les élections municipales ---Les premiers résultats ont montré que l'Alliance populaire, qui réunit le Parti de la Justice et du Développement (AKP, le parti au pouvoir en Turquie) et le Parti d'action nationaliste (MHP), étaient pour le moment en tête dans les élections municipales turques de dimanche, selon la chaîne d'Etat TRT. Après un déluge de recours et des semaines de pressions de l’AKP, les autorités électorales turques ont annulé lundi l'élection municipale remportée fin mars par l'opposition à Istanbul. Tout d’abord, il est permis de dire que les élections locales du 31 mars en Turquie marquent un déclin du pouvoir du Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP- le parti d’Erdogan au pouvoir) au pouvoir et une augmentation du soutien au Parti républicain du peuple (CHP). [67], In Pütürge, province of Malatya, a polling station official and an election observer by Saadet Party were shot dead by an AKP member for stopping his attempt to make people cast open votes. : C’est toute la question. Comme en France, aujourd’hui est jour d’élections municipales en Turquie. [56], In an effort to identify fake voters in other parts of the country, the local CHP offices in Balçova, İzmir announced the formation of a team of 200 people to raise awareness and locate electoral roll fraud. In provinces where the AKP and MHP contested as separate parties, there was a substantial swing from AKP candidates to the MHP. L’Europe du Sud veut faire revenir les touristes, « Avec la cession d’AOL et Yahoo par Verizon, une nouvelle page de l’histoire d’Internet se tourne », Pourquoi la France refuse d’interdire le démarchage téléphonique, « Nous ne pouvons tolérer qu’une poignée d’acteurs préempte les données européennes au bénéfice exclusif de leurs modèles d’affaire », Comment Napoléon a conquis (et perdu) l’Europe, Covid-19, paludisme, sida : l’immense bilan humain des pandémies actuelles. Marie Jégo, correspondante du Monde en Turquie, a répondu aux questions des internautes. The election, originally won by the İYİ Party, was annulled after the winning mayor's electoral certificate was cancelled due to a prior conviction that barred the elected mayor from holding office. Les électeurs turcs vont choisir les maires de 81 villes dans le pays (il y a 30 municipalités mégapoles en Turquie et … [33], A number of mayors switched parties between 2014 and 2019. [4] Particular controversy surrounded the AKP's allegations of financial fraud against the opposition's Ankara mayoral candidate Mansur Yavaş, which later turned out to have been made by an unverifiable source. D’autres problèmes ont été mis en avant par les électeurs que j’ai rencontrés : l’éducation, l’environnement – pas d’espaces verts à Istanbul, mais des arbres en pots ! Les 19 èmes élections municipales de l’ère républicaine, qui ont débuté en 1840, ont eu lieu le 31 mars 2019. Élections municipales en Turquie. Un revers qui, s'il n'est pas catastrophique, témoigne toutefois de la fragilité de la base sociale d'Erdogan. Le Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) arrive en tête mais enregistre une légère baisse par rapport aux élections précédentes. Results obtained by the İyi Parti by province. [34] Making an emotional resignation statement, Uğur stated that his resignation was forced and that his family had received threats in the event he continued to resist. Turquie : une nouvelle élection municipale se tiendra à Istanbul. Most of these mayors were removed from office due to charges of joining, aiding or conducting propaganda activities for a terrorist organisation, namely the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). While the DBP won 100 mayors in 2014, the HDP failed to win any municipalities and won just 9 municipal councillors. [11][12] İmamoğlu was sworn in as mayor, though a new election was held on 23 June. A number of these defections were down to the formation of the İyi Party, which took away substantial support from the Nationalist Movement Party. Il est vrai que l’AKP était allié, pour ce scrutin, au parti de l’Action nationaliste (MHP, ultranationaliste) ce qui minimise ses gains, même si la base de l’AKP reste solide, surtout dans les villes d’Anatolie et de la mer Noire. Following the publication of voter lists, many opposition politicians alleged that voters had been deliberately switched from one district to a neighbouring district as a means of tipping the result to favour a certain candidate. In these cases, municipal councillors retained the right to appoint a successor, as opposed to the Interior Ministry appointing a trustee. The dates of local elections are enshrined in the Constitution of Turkey, meaning that any motion to hold them on a different date would require a constitutional amendment. Leading to Erdogan's main ally the MHP to lose immense ground in the elections.[3]. Dimanche 23 juin, le président turc s'est vu infliger un énorme camouflet. Campaigning was described as distinctly negative and divisive, with the opposition criticizing the government for Turkey's economic downturn, misuse of public funds and corruption. The head of the observer mission from the Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional Authorities stated that they were "not fully convinced that Turkey currently has the free and fair electoral environment which is necessary for genuinely democratic elections in line with European values and principles".[74]. Violence between police and opposition observer came out in South East regions. La Turquie entière a retenu son souffle le 31 mars pour connaître les résultats des 1ères élections municipales du nouveau système présidentiel adopté lors d’un référendum en avril 2017 et des 19èmes élections municipales de l’ère républicaine, qui ont débuté en 1840 en Turquie. L'Orient le jour - AFP 23/10/2018. [40] Three broad alliances were formed in the run-up to the vote. Les élections municipales en Turquie seront organisées le 31 mars 2019. Coup dur pour l'AKP de Recep Erdogan lors des élections municipales de dimanche. [38] On 13 November 2018, Mayor Gökhan Demirtaş of Gülüç, a small town in the Ereğli district of Zonguldak, resigned from CHP and joined AKP.[39]. The parties are Communist Party of Kurdistan, the Freedom Movement, the Revolutionary Eastern Culture Associations, the Human and Freedom Party, the Kurdish Democratic Platform and the Kurdistan Democratic Party – Turkey. The People's Alliance was founded in February 2018 between the AKP and MHP as a union of parties supporting the re-election of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the 2018 presidential election. By admin on 11 avril 2019 Turquie. Non. The Communist Party won control of a provincial capital, namely Tunceli, for the first time. Plus l’économie décline, plus ce discours est utilisé. ", "Düzce Belediye Başkanı istifa etti! La soirée du dimanche 31 mars, date des élections municipales en Turquie, s’annonce difficile pour les responsables du parti islamo-conservateur de l’AKP. [66], Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison condemned the "reckless" and "highly offensive" comments made by Erdoğan. Les élections municipales en Turquie vont se dérouler le 31 mars 2019 dans 81 villes dans le pays (il y a 30 municipalités mégapoles en Turquie et 51 municipalités normales). [60], In February 2019, after many democratic countries raised concerns about China's cultural genocide against Muslims for years, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemns the systematic assimilation, arbitrary arrests, cruel torture, political brainwashing in internment camps and prisons of more than one million Uyghurs and other Muslim communities by China and called on to end the human tragedy. Bu yıl Yerel Seçim ne zaman? Après avoir fait annuler sa défaite lors des élections du 31 mars, le président Erdogan et son parti pourraient à nouveau ce dimanche 23 juin perdre Istanbul, une ville qu’ils administrent depuis 1994. Elections were annulled in 6 districts and 1 metropolitan municipality (namely Istanbul). These included studies to predict overall vote shares and also the outcome of mayoral races in key cities. Et c'est déjà beaucoup. However Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) rejected his candidacy after İYİ Party made an objection to Provincial Electoral Council's statement. Selon les derniers résultats des municipales de dimanche, l’opposition l’emporte dans la capitale turque, mais aussi dans la plus grande ville du pays. [79] The re-run election was won by the AKP candidate, who became the first female mayor in the history of the province. Une coalition de partis laïcs a réussi à prendre la ville d'Ankara au parti islamo-conservateur du président turc Erdogan. A total of 10 municipal mayors switched to İYİ between the party's establishment on 25 October 2017 and 2019. Both parties would field a candidate in Mersin while the CHP would support the İyi Party's candidate in Balıkesir. Et pas uniquement en France puisque la Turquie vote elle aussi dans un climat qui n’est pas favorable au gouvernement en place. La Turquie retient son souffle. – Timeturk: Haber, Timeturk Haber, HABER, Günün haberleri, yorum, spor, ekonomi, politika, sanat, sinema", "CHP, Adalar'da yaklaşık 500 hayali seçmen tespit etti", "31 Mart seçimleri öncesi 'hayali seçmen' iddiası", "Cumhuriyet tarihinin en büyük sahte seçmen olayıyla karşı karşıyayız", "CHP Balçova örgütünden sahte seçmen çalışması", "İYİ Party misses deadline for submission of Mersin mayoral candidate name – Turkey News", "YSK'den Kocamaz'a ret kararı: Mersin Belediye Başkanı seçimlerde yok", "Ayfer Yılmaz, İYİ Parti Mersin Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan adayı oldu", "After years of silence, Turkey rebukes China for mass detention of Muslim Uighurs", "Why Is Turkey Breaking Its Silence on China's Uyghurs? Au lendemain des élections municipales en Turquie, les résultats définitifs à Istanbul n'ont toujours pas été publiés.Avec notre correspondant à Istanbul, Alexandre BilletteAprès avoir donné le candidat de l’opposition Ekrem Imamoğlu légèrement en avance par rapport à son rival de l'AKP, le Haut conseil électoral était désormais muet ce lundi soir. Les élections municipales en Turquie seront organisées le 31 mars 2019. Elections municipales en Turquie, revers électoral pour Erdogan. L’occasion d’une évaluation des rapports de forces politiques. The results showed a substantial swing in favour of İmamoğlu, who increased his margin of victory to win 54.21% of the vote against Yıldırım's 44.99%. Finalement, le président du Haut-comité électoral (YSK) de Turquie a déclaré ce lundi que les résultats partiels plaçaient en tête le candidat de l'opposition. Les difficultés économiques – l’économie turque est entrée en récession pour la première fois depuis 2009 – sont un sujet de préoccupation majeure pour les Turcs, et cela est ressorti lors de ce scrutin. M. Erdogan et son parti sauront-ils tirer les enseignements du message qui leur a été adressé par l’électorat des grandes villes ? ", "AKP'nin 'kayyum belediyeciliği' çıkışı sonrası HDP ne yapacak? The government subsequently dropped plans to bring the poll forward. Malgré la criminalisation du HDP, le parti prokurde, dont 53 militants – et un candidat – ont été arrêtés à la veille du scrutin et dont les dirigeants, les députés (dix), les maires (près de cent) sont en prison, ses votes ont compté. "[58] Later, Kocamaz was nominated on Democrat Party list. Notre journaliste Marie Jégo a répondu à vos questions sur les élections municipales en Turquie. Des analystes assurent que la rhétorique antioccidentale, antieuropéenne du président Erdogan va cesser, qu’elle n’était qu’un outil de propagande utilisé à des fins électorales. The members of the Nation Alliance were initially beset with issues concerning candidate selection and inner-party divisions, stemming from their general election loss in June 2018. Des élections municipales ont eu lieu le 31 mars 2019 en Turquie afin d'élire 20,498 conseillers municipaux et 1,251 conseillers provinciaux ainsi que 30 maires métropolitains, 51 maires provinciaux et 1,351 maires de districts municipaux. Nous vous conseillons de modifier votre mot de passe. Where a decisive victor could not be established due to small margins of victory and numerous formal complaints about misconduct, the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) annulled the elections and ordered re-runs. La pratique de laisser Anatolie donner les résultats est bizarre, et surtout illégale. [80], 2013 Turkish local government reorganisation, known by the Turkish Government and its supporters as the Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organisation, Opinion polling for the 2019 Turkish local elections, "CHP'nin Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan adayı Mansur Yavaş kimdir? Upon announcing his candidacy, Yavaş declared himself to be the 'Nation Alliance' candidate.[46]. [36], The Mayor of İnhisar in Bilecik, Ayhan Ödübek, joined CHP in 2018 having resigned from MHP in 2016. : Vous avez raison. [19] This would require a two-thirds majority in the Grand National Assembly or a three-fifths majority along with approval in a referendum. Pour le moment, il a subi un revers aux municipales, mais il reste tout-puissant, surtout depuis son intronisation en tant qu’hyperprésident après sa victoire à la présidentielle du 24 juin 2018, avec 52 % des voix. Les électeurs turcs vont choisir les maires de 81 villes dans le pays (il y a 30 municipalités mégapoles en Turquie et … Vexé Recep Tayip Erdogan conteste le résultat des élections municipales à Istanbul. [37] On 9 May 2017, Mayor Mustafa Gül of Kemer, in Antalya, resigned from MHP and joined CHP. Les élections municipales turques de 2014 ( 2014 Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Yerel Yönetimler Seçimi) se sont tenues le 30 mars 2014 afin d'élire les maires ( Belediye başkanı) des 3 000 communes de Turquie. : Non pas de réaction de Bruxelles à ce jour. The intention of the AKP party executive to 'regenerate' the party resulted in pressure on some of the party's more controversial, long-serving or poorly-performing mayors to resign. Ce dernier restera connecté avec ce compte. ", "Why Turkey Finally Criticized China's Uighur Internment Camps", "Erdogan is trying to create himself an image of a "fighter for human rights" while Turkey itself pursues repressive policies", "Turkey's Erdogan directs incendiary comments at Australia, New Zealand", "Two killed at polling station in Turkey's Malatya - Turkey News", "Counting underway in Turkey elections as Kurds try to reclaim their cities", "Four killed, 310 incidents reported to police in local elections - interior ministry", "AKP members injure three people in attack on newly-elected mayor", "Polisten HDP milletvekiline: Teröristlerin vekilisin", "Batman Belediyesi'ne yürüyen kitleye polis müdahalesi", "Poll observers raise concerns over curbs on freedom in Turkey", https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2019/gundem/yenilenen-secimlerde-oy-verme-islemi-sona-erdi-5024988/, "CHP candidate Imamoglu wins Istanbul rerun", "Aksaray'ın Demirci beldesinde yenilenen seçimin sonuçları belli oldu", "Adıyaman Suvarlı belediye başkanının mazbatası iptal edildi", "Adıyaman'ın ilk kadın belediye başkanı seçildi", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2019_Turkish_local_elections&oldid=1016982996, Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Pages using bar box without float left or float right, Election and referendum articles with incomplete results, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 April 2021, at 03:48. The People's Alliance between the AKP and MHP only held 57% of the seats, making the proposal unrealistic. En Turquie, le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan a essuyé lundi un affront sans précédent avec la perte des villes d'Ankara et Istanbul, d'après les résultats partiels des élections municipales. But the candidacy document of Mr. Burhanettin Kocamaz, our candidate for Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, was not accepted by the election board on grounds that it was submitted after 5 p.m." said İYİ Party in a written statement on 19 February.